The 21st century pedagogy teachers should be aware of | 21st Century Learning and Teaching |

The skills that are pivotal to achieve the 21st century pedagogy goals are :

- Critical thinking

- Active learning

- Problem solving skills

- Communicating, making connections,creating and expressing oneself in a variety of ways

- Contextualized knowledge. As you can see in the learning pyramid , uncontextualized and non-activity based learning could result in a low retention rate.


- Collaborative team work. This is mainly achieved through web2.0 technologies and social networking tools .


If you have read the UNESCO’S publication “ The four pillars of education “ you would realize that collaboration is the core element of the four pillars which are :

-Learning to know

- Lerning to do

- Learning to live together

- Learning to be


===> We need also in 21st Century (May 2012) to add #itsecurity + #cybersecurity knowledge to that list! <===