How to get that promotion you've been waiting for | Capability development- Engage , Enliven , Excite |

Over the course of an hour, Mashable covered an array of questions, ranging from how employees can demonstrate successful leadership in the office, to the key questions employees should be asking their supervisors in performance reviews.

Several career experts and entrepreneurs shared their insights on the topic, including: James Caan, serial entrepreneur and CEO of Hamilton Bradshaw Group; Laurie Ruettimann, HR writer, speaker and advisor; Lisa Gates, negotiation consultant and executive coach at; Dr. Marla Gottschalk, senior consultant at Allied Talent; Suzy Welch, business journalist and bestselling co-author of The Real Life MBA; Trish McFarlane, CEO of H3 HR Advisors, and The Muse, an engaging job-search and career-advice website.

Check out highlights from our chat.

Via The Learning Factor