Making Time for Learning Will Make You Healthier, Richer, and More Popular | Capability development- Engage , Enliven , Excite |

If you're looking for reasons to make time in your busy schedule to keep learning, there's no shortage of possibilities. First and foremost, perhaps, is that you'll be in great company. Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and Oprah Winfrey all set aside dedicated time to learn new things each week. Look how far the practice has taken them.

But if you're looking for more scientific explanations of why the end of school shouldn't mean the end of learning, writer John Coleman is probably your man. He writes regularly for the HBR blogs on the subject of lifelong learning and its many benefits. One of his recent posts is a must read for those who suspect they should to make more time in their lives to nourish their brains, but still need a bit of a kick in the pants.

Via The Learning Factor