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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Understanding Your New SEO Ecosystem - Atlantic BT

Understanding Your New SEO Ecosystem - Atlantic BT | Curation Revolution |
Want to understand your website's SEO strengths & weaknesses? Create an "ecosystem view" with your website next to top organic competitors. Here's How...
Jeff Sieh's curator insight, June 24, 2013 11:06 PM

his is a great article that needs to be bookmarked for reference.  Top Notch!

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

SEO Writing Tip - How To Avoid STOP Words

SEO Writing Tip - How To Avoid STOP Words | Curation Revolution |

Better SEO Writing

Just Scooped a great #infographic about SEO Writing that didn't mention some of my favorite tips or anything about "stop words" so I added 5 tips to the Scoop and wrote a quick ScentTrail Marketing post about Stop Words:

15 SEO Writing Tips (10 Infographic, 5 from me)

SEO Writing - Eliminate Stop Words (ScentTrail Marketing)


There is great news about the elimination of stop words. When you tune your writing to use shorter sentences, smaller paragraphs and reduces stop words your copy reads faster and so becomes more engaging. Win Win.

Kathy Lenard's curator insight, May 1, 2013 11:26 PM

I sometime write long sentences; so when I saw these tips about the elimination of STOP words, I had to Scoop this.

Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, May 2, 2013 7:36 AM
Thanks for the Rescoop Kathy. Shortening your sentences, more Hemingway than Faulkner, can have positive impacts on SEO and visitor engagement. Marty
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

5 Tips For Safer SEO Meme Marketing [Marty Note]

5 Tips For Safer SEO Meme Marketing [Marty Note] | Curation Revolution |
How to boost your SEO using memes and give your readers a dose of humor and information they'll make go viral!

See my note about the linked content - Marty

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Meme Marketing Can WIN or HURT
This post is a little fast and loose with their definition of a "meme". When Richard Dawkins coined the term he had something more robust than cultural ephemera in mind. 

The use of Nirvana's lyric is not what made Nirvana a meme. Nirvana came to represent a tribe of angry disaffected youth raised on irony and lied to repeatedly by authority figures from parents to politicians. Trying to tease art from inspiration is a fool's errand, so Nirvana and Kurt Cobain became archetypes representing a movement and a tribe.

The author may be fuzzy on what a meme is, but they have the viral power of memes just right. Memes live to do one thing - transfer cultural ideas. Think of the May Fly who lives for a single day. Memes live for as long as the act of transfer is met with ever increasing amounts of transfer. 

Meme Creation Tips

* Keep ideas simple.

* New Via Known - Use Made To Stick idea and connect NEW ideas to familiar (think of the duct tape on the book's cover) ones. 

* As Memes go sideways tweak YOUR messaging. 

* If Meme is WRONG stop feeding it (and hope others follow your lead).

* NEVER fight a meme. 

The reason you don't fight a meme is TO FIGHT is to add transfer energy. The more you attempt to restate the more ingrained the meme becomes. If your meme goes so sideways it is dead wrong STOP FEEDING IT. 

Often if the originator of a meme stops the feed it will slowly die. Note the use of "slowly". if your boss says they want that fixed tell them sure no problem and DO NOTHING. Do anything and you increase your problem. 

Memes vs. Cultural Ephemera
Memes have more backbone than cultural ephemera. Dawkins "Selfish Gene" idea is an example of a meme with powerful reach and robustness. Despite many leading authors including Wright (NonZero), Benkler (Penguin and Leviathan) and Shermer (Mind of the Market) the concept of man's innate selfishness is a strong meme. 

Dawkins must appreciate the irony since the book he wrote in 1976 The Selfish Gene that created or reinforced or given name to the "selfish man" meme doesn't say man is innately selfish. In fact, The Selfish Gene has a detailed discussion of The Prisoner's Dilemma where competitive collaboration is discussed. 

This misinterpretation brings up an important point. Memes transfer ideas FOR THE PURPOSE OF TRANSFER not accuracy. Expect your meme marketing to go a little sideways when exposed to the world. The smart move, when your memes go a little sideways, is to adjust your messaging to be consistent with how the meme has stripped your ideas down for transfer. 

If this is starting to sound like playing the MEME SEO game can be a tad dangerous you win a cookie. Just as Dawkins's amazing title created its own meme that was only partially related to his book your memes will take on a life of their own. 


BE CAREFUL with "Meme Marketing" and respect the power of the mob and you can WIN big as the author of this post shares. Memes are LIVE AMMUNITION so think about your end goals and test ways your memes will go sideways. If you can't live with a meme going sideways DON'T CREATE MEME MARKETING. 

David Meerman Scott writes how to ride fast breaking cultural ephemera and memes to your marketing advantage in The New Rules Of Marketing and PR and NewsJacking.  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Decoding The Path To Purchase & Everywhere Marketing [Marty Note]

Slides taken from Toby Desforges "Decoding The Path To Purchase" workshop at the Path To Purchase Summit in Sydney, February 24th 2012
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

"Everywhere Marketing"

I'm not going to pay Forrester the $500 they want for their Fragmented Path To Purchase Demands Everywhere Marketing report, but I bet I can guess what it says. 

When I was a Director of Ecommerce 2 years ago it drove me crazy that customers would leave our shopping cart looking for deals on The solution was to reduce the friction and make it easy to find our coupons on our website. 

Life was QUIET then compared to now. Social shopping is great when it is working in your favor, when friends and friends of friends are acting as a Greek Chorus and helping you move visitors into customers. 

The shifting sands of social media and real time marketing (see Expion panel from 2 days ago: for more on real time marketing) mean your brands are only as strong as their weakest point. 

What Forrester calls "everywhere marketing" I think of as "Tapestry Marketing" - the idea that the more tapestry you weave the more fish you catch (to mix a metaphor). The elements of Internet marketing play best TOGETHER so you are only as strong as your weakest link and your brand, messaging and campaigns need to be everywhere. 

Here's the rub, YOU can't get anything everywhere. The only way to achieve the spread you need, something marketing teams used to just BUY, is to create advocacy, to have a supportive tribe willing to carry your message across their social nets. 

The even trickier part is you can't pay for true advocacy. Advocacy, for all but the 30% of mercenaries you can buy, is an issue of intrinsic not extrinsic motivation. Your tribe will help you because they LOVE you and are willing to sacrifice to help. 

Wow, if that felt like your marketing just got CHANGED you are getting the idea. No matter WHAT you sell from the dry cleaner on the corner to an Internet only B2C play generating millions you depend on the kindness of strangers ( ). 

This slide deck provides good "everywhere marketing" supporting facts. If you can't sell social media to your C level, drop back and see if you can pass Everywhere Marketing by them.  


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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

The Commons Revolution - Atlantic BT

The Commons Revolution - Atlantic BT | Curation Revolution |
Something CORE is changing pushed by social media and a altruism mentioned in books by Godin and Benkler, the commons revolution is happening. You In?
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Everything is in the commons now. 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Make Customers Fall in Love with Your Business: 20 Tips From @KISSmetrics and @ScentTrail

Make Customers Fall in Love with Your Business: 20 Tips From @KISSmetrics and @ScentTrail | Curation Revolution |
Nurturing relationships with your customers is a crucial part of growing a successful business. In this age of automation and innovation, caring for your customers has never been more important.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great @KISSmetrics Post. Their 10 Ways:

1. Treat Customers Right - Genuinely Interact.
2. Don't Come On Too Strong - Have Respect.

3. Listen - Hear what customers are saying.

4. Continue - Offer ongoing 

5. Partners not customers - communication is 2 way.

6. Build Trust - No Surprises good or bad.

7. Be Transparent - HONESTY always wins in the end. 

8. Keep Your Promises & Only make keepable ones.

9. Customer is always RIGHT.

10. Say THANK YOU and be KIND.

These are great and I would add:

1. Know YOURSELF, be consistent and true.
2. Have FUN (fun is contagious).

3. LOVE what you do (passion is contagious).

4. LOVE who you do it with (or fake it until you make it).

5. Stay Calm, Carry On

6. Change the World

7. Share and then SHARE some More.

8. Align your company to Stengel's Brand Ideals.

9. LISTEN more than you TALK.

10. Curate more than you Create.


 Do any five of these consistenly and like, trust and respect may just turn to LOVE. 


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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Psychology of Consumer Behaviour!

Showrooming Mystery Inside Of Brick and Mortar Enigma [+ Marty Note]

Showrooming Mystery Inside Of Brick and Mortar Enigma [+ Marty Note] | Curation Revolution |
Showrooming Gets Complicated: Assessing The 'Amazon Risk' Is Not So Simple - 02/28/2013


" it turns out that according to Placed’s “Retailer Risk Index,” Bed Bath and Beyond, Petsmart, Toys R Us, Best Buy and Sears are the top five retailers most at risk from people showrooming at their physical locations and then buying via Amazon because these are the places admitted that Amazon showroomers tend to frequent.  

-- retailers like Best Buy, Home Depot, Lowe’s and Sears are the most at risk from males showrooming, versus Kohl’s, Petsmart, Bed, Bath & Beyond and Marshall’s most at risk among women.

Cut the showroomers yet another way and the high spenders at Amazon tend to visit Victoria’s Secret, BJs, Bed Bath and Beyond, Toys R Us and Costco most often."

Via k3hamilton
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Showrooming Symptom Not Disease
Showrooming, the act of using someone's bricks and mortar as a prompt and tactical supplement to shop for better prices online, is a symptom of a larger issue not the disease itself. The disease is stagnant pricing policies at retail and an intelligent use of technology by the few who will become the many.

Price has always been a battlefield for decades. Walmart forced prices down by treating manufacturers like so many children in need of a stern father. Walmart played Logistics Lord and used their distribution powers to hammer manufacturers.

Next Amazon used their partner network to make their profits and provide massive information about customer preference and potential product movement. Amazon is willing to lose money on product X, any product with sales velocity, to "advertising" the rest of their distribution ecosystem.

When an "old school" retailer like Sears steps into the price battle they get hammered. At a conference I heard about a battle between amazon and Sears. In one day Amazon present 15 different prices on a product while Sears continued to get under bid.

I would have more sympathy for brick and mortar retailers if they weren't so complicit in their own demise. Instead of embracing technology and "showrooming" they deny, obfuscate and attempt to limit. Those actions become the proverbial gasoline on the fire. Tell this next generation they can't compare prices with smart mobile devices and you are sure to increase that behavior.

Why not be smart and create new ways of thinking about pricing instead of toothless and meaningless "price guaranteew" when customers do all the work/ Why don't the retailers lead with honesty and openness? We consumers are sensitive and smart, or smarter than we were. Best move big box stores can make is to embrace US and the technology we love.

We don't want to HURT a retailer, but we do want to win the game. If I am in your store showrooming why not create a loyalty program that rewards my willingness to act as price bot for you? Why not put real teeth in your "price guarantee" and tie your systems together so notice is quickly shared and prices across your system reflect the findings of your "showrooming buzz team"?

These may not brethe RIGHT actions, but any program is better than sticking one's head in the sand and hoping a "signaling trend" such as showrooming simply goes away.


Carey Butler's comment, March 3, 2013 1:09 PM
I really appreciate what you write. Novel way to look at things that would make a real difference.
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Atlantic BT Welcomes Zuckerberg, Brin, Milner To Cure Cancer Challenge

Atlantic BT Welcomes Zuckerberg, Brin, Milner To Cure Cancer Challenge | Curation Revolution |
Fastcompany reported Silicon Valley luminaries created a $3M Breakthrough Prize. Atlantic BT welcomes valley entrepreneurs to the cure cancer challenge.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Tech Cures Cancer Movement
A passel of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs have created a Breakthrough Prize In Life Sciences. This is cool as it adds momentum to our Cure Cancer Starter project to crowdfund cancer research. 

Watch Cure Cancer Starter Video. (

In fact, it feels like there is a larger movement happening. We know we live in technologically rich times. We also know the so called "War on Cancer" is all but over and we lost.

There is good news. The good news is technology is helping cancer patients live longer. As we inch toward a cure for cancer one thing is clear - technology will lead the way.

We welcome such creative and powerful valley luminaries to the #TechCuresCancer movement.  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Why UCA Is The New USP: Share YOUR Input On A New Marketing Concept

Why UCA Is The New USP: Share YOUR Input On A New Marketing Concept | Curation Revolution |

Unique Customer Aspirations
UCA stands for Unique Customer Aspirations. I am creating this idea right now on Atlantic BT's blog. The concept is a mashup of an idea discussed in Seth Godin's new book The Icarus Deception and Jim Stengel's book about how brand ideals should drive called Grow (both highly recommended).

I was taught to sell by P&G back in the day. P&G stressed USP, or unique selling propositions. USPs was the unique brand quality of P&G products such as Ivory soap's "so pure it floats". 

The concept of USPs was matured by Kim's book Blue Ocean Strategies. Kim stressed the development of Unique Value Propositions or UVPs such as how Cirque du Soleil changed the concept of "circus". I've discussed the importance of USPs and UVPs on a ScentTrail Marketing Video.


Marketing has changed so much, but our understanding of those changes is running behind. I believe there is a new concept called Unique Customer Aspiration or UCA and undrestanding UCAs is critical to successful Internet marketing. 

UCAs are about how your product or services change, empower and help people, customers, friends and so create brand advocates. I'm writing about this new UCA idea now for Atlantic BT's blog.

Want to help define a new concept? Want to lend your ideas to UCA? Share your thoughts in comments here or email Martin.Smith(at) 

Look for my first draft tomorrow.  

Great comment by Phil Buckley (@1918) about UCA on Google Plus: 


Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, February 6, 2013 4:27 PM

UCA is going to be a key Ecom concept. 

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Outlaw Josey Wales Internet Marketing Advice Contest

Outlaw Josey Wales Internet Marketing Advice Contest | Curation Revolution |
Internet marketing shares humanity, warts and all, then weaves a sum is greater tapestry where YOURS, OURS and THEIRS lose value or distinction. Here's How.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Outlaw Josey Wales IM Advice CONTEST
What advice do you thihnk the outlaw Josey Wales would give today's Internte marketers? Enter on Atlantic BT's Facebook page:

Don't Piss Down My Back & Tell Me Its Raining

Josey Wales had a way of using a few words to say amazing things. The article linked here discusses a company that got their Internet marketing a little right and a lot wrong. 

Writing the piece I wondered what other advice the outlaw Josey Wales would share with today's Internet marketers. What do you think? Share your outlaw advice on Atlantic BT's Facebook page:

Deadline is Friday Feburary 15th.

Prize: Outlaw Josey Wales Internet Marketing badge. 

Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, February 1, 2013 4:08 PM

Enter Your Outlaw Internet Marketing Advice into the Oulaw Josey Wales Contest. 

Enter in comments HERE or...



Atlantic BT Google Plus Page:  

Deadline: Friday February 15th

Prize: Outlaw IM Badge 

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

5 Examples of Disruptive Marketing and 5 Ways To Create A Disruptive Culture

5 Examples of Disruptive Marketing and 5 Ways To Create A Disruptive Culture | Curation Revolution |
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:


When I wrote about the content linked above about how to disrupt I promised to share examples. Here are 5 examples of disruption in practice:

1. Disrupt At Trade Shows Such As CES

That is an excellent article about how cool products in poorly designed booths were ignored at this year's Consumer Electronics Show (CES). Trade Shows are DARWINIAN. Seth Godin had a great explanation for why you buy more booth space than you can afford - because of how it LOOKS.

Design is only HALF the disruption. The other half comes from having the courage to spend money without being able to fully know if there is ROI. One thing the people in empty booths know is it is better to be busy.

2. Whirlpool Teaches To Disrupt
In the same article is a great example of an old brand that gets it. Whirlpool didn't just recreate their graphics they explained their process. Read the great book HOW: Why How You Do Anything Means Everything by Dov Seidman.

Dov explains that in a fast, flat, connected time the only unique thing your company or brand truly "owns" is your business processes. Teaching is an exciting way to disrupt, but never ONLY teach. Make sure you are listening too (see #3).

3. Listen To Disrupt Learns FAST
I love Two upgrades ago removed some beloved and ingenious features. I led a little revolt complaining about not being included. First victory was how well Guillaume and his team listened and how quickly they pivoted returning our lost features. All was good and then it was time for the next big change.

This time released their changes to a handful of advocates and loyal users. The team listened so well they changed on the fly AND changed their roll out process. Well done and that are listening to disrupt.


4. Gold Miners Use UGC & Wisdom of Crowds To Disrupt

Canada's GoldCorp did the unthinkable in the gold mining business when they made normally secret data with the world. The result? GoldCorp is now Canada's largest mining company after crowd wisdom tuned their data to find more than $3B in "new gold" with very low exploration costs. More than simply applying new eyes GoldCorp's contest prompted creation of new visualizations and content (User Generated Content) showing where and why there was gold in previously un-mined belts.


5. NewsJack The Media To Disrupt

Read David Meerman Scott's New Rules of Marketing and PR and NewsJacking to learn how to play your marketing on top of trends brewing in the media. My favorite example is the casino that garnered millions in free PR when they banned bad girl Lindsay Lohan from their casino.


Curious about my previous article on how to develop disruptive business processes? Learn more:


Ricard Lloria's comment, January 28, 2013 2:26 AM
Thank you Martin!
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

6 Secrets To Create Awesome Content ScentTrail Marketing

6 Secrets To Create Awesome Content ScentTrail Marketing | Curation Revolution |

Everyone does the easy thing. They insist you must create awesome content without completing the sentence to explain HOW to create amazing content.

That is because creating awesome content is full of serendipity, but there are things you can do to increase chances for advocacy and social support.

This post shares 6 secrets to create awesome content:

  • Almost NEVER what you think due to serendipity. 
  • OPJ (Other People's Juice the NewsJacking thing).
  • Hook-y Headlines.
  • Great Seductive Relevant Visuals.
  • Feed The Monster.
  • Powerful beats Wimpy.


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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Internet Marketing, Gamificaiton and Social Process ScentTrail Marketing

Internet Marketing, Gamificaiton and Social Process ScentTrail Marketing | Curation Revolution |

If you are of a certain age (i.e. OLD) you remember this album by the police. I sat down to do one thing and ended up doing five others today. At first I felt guilty and then it felt like some significant thing had changed, some Jungian archetype or that crazy FLOW guy. Maybe just The Police singing about synchronicity? 

Either way my social dog ate my homework and its all good. One thing I learned the hard way recently is when a new you emerges don't fight it, no surf it instead. This is me surfing a little after a few days of TOIL (lol) and the social withdrawal it created.  


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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

The CoSoMo Manifesto - Atlantic BT

The CoSoMo Manifesto - Atlantic BT | Curation Revolution |
Our Connected, Social & Mobile revolution moves sand under our Internet marketing feet twenty years+ after Cluetrain's Manifesto, time for a new manifesto.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Had fun writing an update to one of my favorite books - The Cluetrain Manifesto. Here are highlights from the CoSoMo Manifesto:

* We (your customers) are POWERFUL beyond your wildest dream.
* Our (your customers') everyday needs are more than MET.
* Our (your customers') aspirational desires will never be satisfied.
* Greatness is the cost of the poker game you are playing.
* We can't tell You how to be GREAT, but sure know it when we see, feel or buy greatness.
* Our TIME is our most valuable resource, so don't waste it.
* We may know you better ONLINE than you know yourself, so be authentic and real.
* Together we are more powerful than either of us alone.

What about you? Have ideas we should add to the CoSoMo Manifesto? Share in comments and we will curate in. Marty

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Web Analytics and Web Copy!

Responsive Email Marketing An Ecom MUST In A Mobile World [Tips]

Besides a quick explanation of what responsive email design is; I take a look at what’s possible, going through some of the responsive layout patterns we’ve

Via paulo oliveira
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Email The Register Of Ecommerce
Email out performed all other channels when I was an Ecom director. Email contributed more margin to the bottom line and was the cash register of other "lost leader" channels such as PPC. 

Email also creates important diversification. People on YOUR list put you in control at least as far as you don't irritate or spam. If more than a tiny group on your list complains you are marketing insensitive to their needs (spamming in other words) and your ISP will black ball your website and it can be hellish to get off. 


Email As Mobile Life Curator
Email marketing is not without its new challenges. Batch and blast the same message means conversion will go down as spam complaints go up. Email's role is changing with the dominance of smart phones.

Smart phones and pads are the easiest way to manage emails. Email deletion is easiest on mobile and mobile fills up the free time of waiting in lines and sitting on the subway. Wonder why your open rates are going DOWN? A: Smart phones. 

All of this means you need personas and segments AND responsive emails in your email marketing these days. You MUST create relevant messages. Use personas, fully articulated archetypes for between 3 and 7 "super groups" within your list. 

Know what segments within your list such as "multi-buyers" or VIPs are the most profitable. Combine personas, which THEY ARE with your financial segments what THEY MEAN to you to create campaigns that will appeal to THEM and make money for YOU. 

Email Marketing In Mobile World Tips
* Subject Line is beyond important.

* Create responsive email (email must look great on all devices).  

* Use PERSONAS and SEGMENTS together.

* Tell STORIES over TIME.

* Curate User Generated Content INTO your email marketing.

* Count and trend unopens as a NO.

* Create & Trend new KPIs such as $ / sent, $ / opens.

* Keep emails OFF your website (dupe content and hurt heuristics).


This last bullet needs some explanation. Your email marketing needs a "can't see this email view it here" link, but keep your creative in a NON-SPIDERED folder.


Allowing your emails to get spidered can cause duplicate content problems and the heuristics of your emails don't help since, if you are creating great Call To Action emails, your audience will not spend much time on your emails as they are simply attention getter pass through to points of conversion. 

Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, April 21, 2013 4:57 PM
Thanks for the Scoop Massimo. Marty
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Everywhere Vs Black Card Marketing ScentTrail Marketing

Everywhere Vs Black Card Marketing ScentTrail Marketing | Curation Revolution |

Wrote this post after reading about a new Forrester report that costs too much to actually buy so I improvised a Everywhere and Black Card Marketing report (lol).

These are opposing strategies and I prefer Everywhere Marketing, but Black Card has its place, it is just a very limited and riskier place :). 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

The Courage To Be Imperfect: Brené Brown and the Connection Economy [TED video]

The Courage To Be Imperfect: Brené Brown and the Connection Economy [TED video] | Curation Revolution |
Brene Brown explains becoming a great Internet marketer means giving up the tyranny of perfection and embracing an ever escalating social vulnerability.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Why does our increasingly social economy make some companies uncomfortable? It isn't easy to embrace an ever-increasing amount of vulnerability; to not play or cling to the tyranny of perfection are both doomed strategies already extinct. 

This piece explores how companies can dare to be great in a socially connected time.  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Swarm Storms – The Tactical Manual To Changing The World

Swarm Storms – The Tactical Manual To Changing The World | Curation Revolution |

Swarms, Storms and Flocks

As a Director of Ecommerce I became fascinated with swarms, storms and flocks. Things happen inside the world’s largest content network for reasons that are beyond logical explanation. As the founder of Cure Cancer Starter, a crowdfunding platform for cancer research, I am fascinated with swarms, storms and flocks again. 

Swarm Storms is my name for the strange combination sentient mob behavior. Much like ants and bees the web forms with a collective consciousness that can feint and move like a school of fish or a flock of birds. 

If you've ever been fishing just prior to a storm you know the activity gets fast and furious before stopping almost entirely. Fish feel changes in pressure and react. Storms influence the creation and path of swarms.

Much of Internet marketing is weather forecasting. You model and predict where you thin your Internet marketing and website need to go. Sometimes you want to be out of the path of the storm while other storms you want to ride like a wave. 


All Internet marketers are weather forecasters and swarm storm creators. The linked post is the first post on swarm creation from Swarmise, a new book by Swedish political activist Rick Falkvinge. His a piece from the post describing a "swarm organization":

"A swarm organization is a decentralized, collaborative effort of volunteers that looks like a hierarchical, traditional organization from the outside. It is built by a small core of people that construct a scaffolding of go-to people, enabling a large number of volunteers to cooperate on a common goal in quantities of people not possible before the net was available.


Working with a swarm requires you to do a lot of things completely in opposite from what you learn at an archetypal business school. You need to release the control of your brand and its messages.


You need to delegate authority to the point where anybody can make almost any decision for the entire organization. You need to accept and embrace that people in the organization will do exactly as they please, and the only way to lead is to inspire them to want to go where you want the organization as a whole to go."


Rick is sharing the book one chapter at a time online. Stay tuned and buy the book when it comes out in the summer.  

Robin Good's comment, March 9, 2013 9:35 AM
Right on Marty.

I have something I wrote eight years back that you may like and that is quite relevant to this very topic:
Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, March 10, 2013 8:12 AM
Robin, wow massively cool piece. I love the concept of BioTeaming. Specifically the recognition that a team is a force, an organic thing that must be managed, thought about, protected and curated with process, care, respect and trust. By calling out the goal of creating a high performance team and setting up a specific process to do so this piece increases the chances of that result (the creation of a high performance team) 100x. I also agree with your assertion that technology per se can quickly distane the goal of creating high performance teams. The idea that technology HELPS and doesn't HINDER is a priori and absurd. By starting with team architecture you provide a check list, an easy way to know if tech is contributing or not. Well Done and thanks for the SHARE. Marty
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

The Secret Internet Marketing Superman Stuff [Marty's 3 IM Tips]

The Secret Internet Marketing Superman Stuff  [Marty's 3 IM Tips] | Curation Revolution |
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

3 Things You Can't Know, Until You Know
Apparently I've entered that "professor emeritus" space that befalls all Ecommerce Directors as they age (lol). Before I link off into the sunset here are three things I could have told you back when I was an Ecom director only on pain of death (yours or mine :). 

1.  Internet Marketing Isn't What You think
I wrote a piece about how misinformed most people are about what Internet marketing IS:  

Internet marketing is the extension, amplification and feedback loop every marketer depends on. For every moment you obsess about look and feel you lose money because THEY (your customers) will tell you everything you need to know if you only LISTEN. 

Oh, and make sure you LISTEN to Google too. Good to do what the KING tells you to do WHEN she tells you too. 

2. Everything Balances and Dances Until There Is A Wobble
Metrics are tied to each other. When your traffic goes up chances are your bounce rate will inch up too. When your time on site goes up because you've created great gamification or video marketing your SEO gets easier, you generate more Facebook LIKES and life is good. 

Then there is a wobble. 

Wobbles are inevitable so staying calm and carrying on no matter how severe the wobble is the only way to be an Internet marketer (otherwise you end up jumping off the roof LOL). 

Wobbles can come from Google, competitors or the war in Iraq. Death, taxes and that there will be costly wobbles in your Internet marketing future are life's new immutable truths. Your Internet marketing will dance again after a period of rehab and if you stay calm and carry on. 

3. The Secret Is There Is No Secret
I spent valuable TIME trying to find the FREE LUNCH of Internet marketing, the silver bullet, the one action that would solve all problems. Some may be able to do so, but someone wins the lottery too that doesn't mean it makes statistical SENSE (lol). 

Your best Internet marketing bet is to:


* LISTEN to the responses.
* Rinse and Repeat. 

The MAGIC of life and Internet marketing is in the JOURNEY not the destination no matter how rich it makes you. In the end your money goes into a trust or to your children, so what matters is what is happening NOW, this MOMENT.

If you are doing the work, no matter how "bad" you think it is, you are ahead of many. If you LISTEN you are ahead of more and if you relentlessly rinse and repeat you will be at the far right of Internet marketing's bell curve. 

Good luck to all the Supermen and Superwomen out there thinking that surely their head will explode if they have to learn one more thing (it won't) and never trusting they are really THERE (they are).

You NEVER need anything MORE than what you have as you read this. You are fully armed and ready right NOW to change the world, to change YOU. 

Do the work. Listen. Rinse and Repeat. 

Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, March 5, 2013 4:26 PM
Thanks John. You ROCK as always. Marty
Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight!

Reading Email In Bed: The Mobile Rethink of Email Marketing [+ Marty Note]

Reading Email In Bed: The Mobile Rethink of Email Marketing [+ Marty Note] | Curation Revolution |

Thanks to smartphones and tablets, email marketing has fundamentally changed. Best practices surrounding design and when to send are seeing some of the first major shifts since webmail clients were the dominant email platform. The good news for marketers is that people consume more email now....

Via Jeff Domansky
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Email Marketing Critical & Different Now
35% of people use their tablets in bed. In and of itself that stat isn't all that helpful (lol), but understanding the curation role tablets and smart phones play is becoming critical to successful email marketing.

Here is how mobile is changing email marketing:

* Look and feel changes (less is more and clear CTAs).
* Subject lines = even more critical (7 word rule).

* Delivery timing is changing (see linked article). 

* Speed critical (delivery network is slower, so smaller is better).

* Engagement is harder, so SINK THE HOOK. 

Mobile Email Marketing Rethink 

Mobile email goes in curation steps.

First goal s make it past the "trash this" review. Trash this reviews are about who is sending WHAT now. Many people use their mobile devices to decide what gets into their laptop or desktop computers. 

Key in Step 1 = great subject line and a trusted brand (if not trusted yet you can become trusted by only emailing GREAT stuff that is relevant for who you are sending it too - so create segments and personas).

Step 2 OPEN
Opening email marketing on mobile devices is yet another hurdle. If your email takes a long time to open it flunks this test. Small and fast is best. If your email marketing is image heavy it won't work well on mobile.

Key in Step 2 = clear headlines with large Calls To Action (CTAs). 

If your email isn't easy to tap, swipe or make it move forward then you've failed the most important conversion step. You've worked SO HARD to have your customers arrive here make sure ACTION is easy on a mobile device and remember action steps are different on different devices. 

Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, March 3, 2013 9:00 PM
LOL, plural of Marty is Marty2x I think. Good scoop here that is a critical read for ecom. When I was a Director of Ecom email was our highest margin channel BY FAR. I bet that is still true for those who understand how to modify approach based on this post. Marty2X
Sylvie Mercier's curator insight, March 4, 2013 12:21 AM

New marketing ....

Marty Koenig's comment, March 9, 2013 3:43 PM
LOL Marty2x. It is interesting to see the variations and sameness from the old web to the new mobile.
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

SEO Knowing The Unknowable

SEO Knowing The Unknowable | Curation Revolution |

What do Whitman, Rod Serling, Sand Castles and Black Swans have in common? They are all as likely to explain SEO as anyting else.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

SEO's Social Media Singualrity Is Near

SEO's Social Media Singualrity Is Near | Curation Revolution |

My friend Mark Traphagen (@MarkTraphagen) has a genius series of posts and comments going on Google Plus (all linked in the attached article).

I share thoughts on SEO, the Google Float, the coming semantic web and why Kurzweil's singularity may be closer than we think at least for Internet marketers.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Internet Marketing For Lawyers - Atlantic BT

Internet Marketing For Lawyers - Atlantic BT | Curation Revolution |
This post helps lawyers understand how to create an online brand, tell stories with keywords, support with social media, and create websites that WIN.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Wrote this piece after having great conversations with lawyers in Raleigh about what they did and didn't understand about Internet marketing. The interesting part of thise conversations was what many of my lawyer friends thought they knew they didn't and what they thought they didn't know they weren't as far away as they thought. 

Welcome to the strange serendipity and mystery wrapped in enigma that is Internet marketing my legal brothers and sisters.  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Cure Cancer Starter Crowdfunding Cancer Research is GAME ON!

Cure Cancer Starter Crowdfunding Cancer Research is GAME ON! | Curation Revolution |
Cure Cancer Starter is a crowdfunding platform connecting cancer patients, their friends and...
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

And suddenly Cure Cancer Starter has a quorum with four great cancer centers:

* University of North Carolina's Lineberger Cancer Center.

* Roswell Park Cancer Center in Buffalo, New York.

* University of Wisconsin's Carbone Cancer Center.

* Duke Cancer Institute in Durham, North Carolina.


Both of my treating institutions have signed on to be part of Cure Cancer Starter's pilot program. Cure Cancer Starter is our "Kickstarter for cancer research" platform to bring cancer doctors and researchers together into a common community with an important goal - curing cancer.

Atlantic BT, where I am Marketing Director, is helping create a platform for cancer patients. Cancer patients can take an empowering action by funding research.

The most devastating thing about hearing your name and "cancer" in the same sentence is how helpless you feel. You are sure your life is now beyond your control. The invisible hand is playing with your life like a marionette. 

For a year I trained and then rode 3,300 miles on a bicycle I wasn't sick. No colds or sniffles despite riding 10 days in the rain. For 60 days I "cured" my chronic Leukemia. 

I had to go back into chemo within weeks after Martin's Ride ended, but I didn't feel helpless until chemo kicked my butt again. Cure Cancer Starter is Martin's Ride 2. 

This time, instead of a team of 3, I hope we can create a big "cure cancer" community, a community where doctors and researchers share their projects with people willing to donate and be a part of the cure for cancer. Can't tell you how much it would have meant to send someone $100 and be part of a team working on Leukemia after my diagnosis. Would have been MAGICAL and EMPOWERING.  

Thanks to all my friends for help, ongoing support and best wishes. If anyone would like to help by reviewing beta designs, helping form plans and other foundational work for Cure Cancer Starter let me know. There are GREAT smart people on 

Please LIKE Cure Cancer Starter on Facebook: 


Please FOLLOW CureCancerStart on Twitter: 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

5 Easy SEO Tips From ScentTrail

5 Easy SEO Tips From ScentTrail | Curation Revolution |

SEO Doesn’t Have To Be Hard Just shot a video with our resident photographer Andrew Bartlett. Our conversation reminded me Search Engine Optimization doesn’t have to be so HARD.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

After shooting a video with our resident photographer, Andrew Bartlett, I realized that SEO in a post Panda and Penguin world is easier than ever. Do the basics well, connect everything so Google knows YOU and be consistent and life is good. 

Here are the 5 SEO Tips this piece shares: 

* Keywords in URL.

* Keywords in image Alt text.
* Tell a story with Keywords.

* Content With Call To Action is King

* Be consistent With Other Marketing

Easy right? What are your 5 favorite EASY SEO Tips? 

Brian Yanish -'s curator insight, January 10, 2013 9:19 PM

Great article Marty. Wasn't long ago I'm talking to fellow website designer who said SEO is dead because of social media. I told him, funny how Google hasn't stopped telling website owners to do many of the items you cover in your article.  

Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, January 11, 2013 8:14 AM
Spiders still need context Brian so you note to the designer was correct. Correct alt text has been a particular challenge for me with many designers. I prefer to have file names with keywords too, but good luck selling that idea to a designer (lol). M