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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Why I'm Not An SEO - via @Curagami

Why I'm Not An SEO - via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |

Some finally "get SEO" as tactical advantage ends. Online marketing must win hearts, minds & loyalty. Brands must build online community SEO not so much anymore. Those and other reasons are why I'm not an SEO. 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Is Social Media Marketing Dead? Yep & Here's Whats Next - via @Curagami

Is Social Media Marketing Dead? Yep & Here's Whats Next - via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |
Jeff Fromm in a great post for TBJ makes Curagami's tactical marketing is dead argument beautifully. Social Media Marketing is dead & here's what's next.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Brian Yanish -'s curator insight, July 23, 2014 8:05 AM

As we consume more and more content via our mobile devices, both content marketing and social media marketing strategies need to be re-examined.


The end user, your consumer now has Notification Distraction, be it from a game or text message your content has limited engagement time of these devices. Getting a share has become even harder. 

Connecting content to product engagement is the new marketing.

Dr. Karen Dietz's comment July 23, 2014 5:43 PM
I really enjoyed this article Marty and am going to reference it for another kind of story project I'm working on. Good stuff! Thanks for finding and sharing.
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Cause Marketing Is The New Advertising - Atlantic BT

Cause Marketing Is The New Advertising - Atlantic BT | Curation Revolution |

Cause marketing is popular, but is easy to do BADLY. This post outlines how Cause Marketing when added to a diversified Internet Marketing portfolio helps create a new and better form of "advertising" and the post includes a link to our new website. 

Atlantic BT BLog Post 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Iceberg Effect - A Marin Must Read Sentence

Iceberg Effect - A Marin Must Read Sentence | Curation Revolution |

The Iceberg Effect is why you may not know what you don't know when marketing online. This Curagami post shares how to avoid becoming an online Titanic.

Learn about The Iceberg Effect on our latest Curagami post:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Social Media Reach Is Dead, Long Live Content Curation & Community… [thoughts on Guillaume's post]

Social Media Reach Is Dead, Long Live Content Curation & Community… [thoughts on Guillaume's post] | Curation Revolution |

Social Media Reach Is Dead, Long Live Content Curation & Cmmunity
@Guillaume Decugis  was nice enough to ask me to weigh in on his blog post. He knew it wouldn't be hard for me to write 1,000 words on something that I feel strongly about - what will tomorrow's marketing look like.

Little is certain OTHER than tomorrow's marketing will be very different than today's and unrecognizable from yesterdays. The post on G+ shares my reaction to Guillaume's post along with as much Nostradamas as I can muster at midnight after a long day.

The core is YES content curation is going to be an integral part of the friends of friends marketing creating community we see at our Triangle Startup Factory funded startup called Curagami ( ).

One BIG THING we've already learned is RESPECT, ADMIRATION and enough envy to fuel a train for what Marc, Guillaume, Ally and the Scoopiteers created. The post discusses how any cause moves from passion, through to business and finally into quackery.

That evolution is why all tactical online marketing is dead man walking. The key is winning and keeping hearts and minds. Certainly content curation is going to be HUGE in winning the LOVE any successful brand or online presence will require to be successful in tomorrow's marketing. Are there a few other things? You bet and I tried to share all of the hard won lessons about content, community and love team Curagami is learning.

My G+ Post

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Advertisers Like PPC, Organic and Social Not So Much | Marketingland

Advertisers Like PPC, Organic and Social Not So Much | Marketingland | Curation Revolution |
Study: Organic Posting Is Most Popular Social Media Tactic, But Not The Most ...
Marketing Land
More than one in three large social media advertisers are not satisfied with their efforts from both paid and organic social media strategies.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

The Same Message Over And Over
Social Is Different and we keep getting this message over and over. The problem / opportunity with social media marketing is it doesn't respond well to typical Stimulus - Response advertising so favored everywhere else.

Once you break the S - R curve TIME changes. When you reinforce a behavior you created it feels like you gain brand advocacy. I think you make a transaction and advocacy comes AFTER the sale. 

Social media flips this response. Social media builds a relationship first, secures advocacy and then comes money. If that sounds EASTERN and not very capitalist you are right and beginning to see some of the reasons we S - R marketing pros are having such a hard time with social media marketing.

The answers are NOT to attempt to simply cart one set of tactics from paid to social. No, the answer is to form and find new ways to judge ROI vis brand advocacy and social support. Soon we will see just how much social media creates a base for success IN ALL OTHER MARKETING. 

Marketers are a distrusting lot. Instead of looking hard at our efforts and preconceptions we want NEW things to walk and talk like OLD things, things we understand and trust. Life in a digital age can't afford such singular thinking.


Fuzziness prevails and the over, what we stand to gain, exceeds the under, what we stand to loose well enough to demand and open minded participation as we define the new marketing on the back of the thing we trust (paid).  

I'm old enough to remember having knockdowns about paid too. There was a time when what is trusted NOW was distrusted then. Best to keep that truth close at hand since it reminds us how important ACTING and LEARNING have become in modern marketing. 


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