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Quick Web Writing Lesson - Curagami

Quick Web Writing Lesson - Curagami | Curation Revolution |

Web Copy
Writing web copy that wins hearts and minds is easier and harder than you think. Easier because tiny changes make huge differences in customer engagement and your website's ability to convert. Harder because learning to slow down and think about things like empathy, using OPW (Other People's Words) and the right way to use acronyms takes practice, discipline and courage. 

Here are the tips we share on Curagami:

  • Use OPW (Other People’s Words) – Trusted sources or industry gurus make excellent sources
  • Use Customer Words – Customers know you listen when they see features of User Generated Content (UGC)
  • Touch the Universal – R&D is hard, takes time and money is a “universal truth.”
  • Cliches – Cliches are another “truth” you can turn in your favor
  • Empathy Words – Use words that create a sense of empathy between YOU and whoever is reading your copy words such as “collaborate,” “teamed with” and “love.”
  • Acronyms – Acronyms can convey industry knowledge, but be sure to explain fully the first time you use an acronym


Find more here 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

How To Make Buffer's Social Failure Your Success via Curagami

How To Make Buffer's Social Failure Your Success via Curagami | Curation Revolution |

Buffer's Social "Failure" = Your Success
Make Buffer's Social Failure Your success with lessons from three great web marketing books including Superforecasting, The Silo Effect and The Black Swan. The post builds on a Buffer post sharing their shocking 50% decline in social media traffic. 

The real question is - ARE THEY FAILING.

They seem to think so and that thought may point to bigger issues. Issues well outlined in 3 great web marketing books (note if you buy using the links to Amazon below you make a contribution to curing cancer TY)

SuperForecsting: The Art and Science of Prediction  

The Silo Effect: The Perils of Expertise

The Black Swan:  Impact of the Highly Improbable

How web marketers THINK about what they are doing matters and this Curagami post shares tips on how to THink Like An Internet Marketer along with links to some of our favorite web marketers including several from

@Guillaume Decugis 
@Cendrine Marrouat - 
@Brian Yanish - 

Among others.

Start thinking like a web marketer, read this Curagami post  

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Fractals, Ecommerce & The Web - Finding and Using Your 80:20 Rule [video]

Fractals, Ecommerce & The Web - Finding and Using Your 80:20 Rule [video] | Curation Revolution |

How To Make $30M Online
When people ask me how teams I've managed made more than $30M online I say it's simple - find your 80:20 Rule, double down on winners, leave laggards and hire great people.

None of those things are nearly as "simple" as they sound, but you must know what NOT to do. Any website has an enduring and constant fractal called the 80:20 Rule. This post includes a video about the importance of your 80:20 Rule, how to use what you find and a link to an earlier post on how to find your 80:20 Rule. 


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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Astell & Kern + Bluenote Demonstrate Music's Cool Digital Future via @Curagami

Astell & Kern + Bluenote Demonstrate Music's Cool Digital Future via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |
High resolution music player maker Astell & Kern and Bluenote created a a cool new music & technology mashup that may point to music's next big thing.
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Holidays Are Hot: 5 Holiday Website Design Tips via @HaikuDeck

Holidays Are Hot: 5 Holiday Website Design Tips via @HaikuDeck | Curation Revolution |
This holiday selling season (2014) will happen as close to real time as any thanks to the social / mobile web. Listening and curating are going to be important, but so is tapping the nostalgia and spirit of the season in creative and collaborative ways.
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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Story About Storytelling, FedEx & Time via @Curagami

Story About Storytelling, FedEx & Time via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |
Story may be the most important but least understood online marketing word there is. Understand why storytelling is "beyond important" for web marketing.
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Suggested by Bill Gassett!

Google Plus Real Estate Following - Build One In 7 Easy Steps via @massrealty [great tips for anyone]

Google Plus Real Estate Following - Build One In 7 Easy Steps via @massrealty [great tips for anyone] | Curation Revolution |

If you are serious about growing your Google Plus following -- and actually gaining some clients from the platform -- you should be doing these seven things:

* Share Great Content.
* Interact with Others.
* Forget your listings.
* See out those with authority & influence.
* Expand your content offerings.

* Join Real Estate communities.
* Build a business page.

Marty Note
My friend Bill's post about how to create a G+ Real Estate following apply to anyone needing to build a following for anything. How we sell stuff is different now and getting more so everyday. Bill is a leader in real estate, content marketing and social media. He took to like a duck to water.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great share from my friend Bill Gasset a

Bill Gassett's comment, September 23, 2014 4:21 PM
Thanks very much for sharing Marty!
Bill Gassett's comment, September 24, 2014 7:42 AM
Thanks for sharing my Google Plus advice Mark!
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

London Calling Crowdfunding Lessons From The CLASH via @HaikuDeck

London Calling Crowdfunding Lessons From The CLASH via @HaikuDeck | Curation Revolution |

Clash Crowdfunding Lessons
Crowdfunding may be the ultimate "in your face" DIY (Do It Yourself) disruption. Much like the CLASH's "punk ethos", so well described in The Future Is Unwritten the biopic documentary film about Joe Strummer, marketers must create content and community with authenticity and awesome, daring and original content.

Working on a companion Curagami blog post too. Here is link to HaikuDeck:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

6 Best Practices For Visual Content Marketing | Visually Blog

6 Best Practices For Visual Content Marketing | Visually Blog | Curation Revolution |
Become storytellers: Modern marketing is less about selling and more about creating brand experiences fueled by brand storytelling. You only have about eight seconds to catch consumers’ attention. To make those seconds count, thoroughly investigate your customers.

Some ways to do this: Start with exhaustive persona profiles to build buyer paths from high-level awareness down to purchase so that you’re creating the right types of offers to deliver the appropriate content at every stage of the buying process.

Persona research should include: raw data (surveys, internal sales, and analytics data), interviews with sales and support teams, and discussions with or polls sent to existing customers. Add Interest to Email. Despite news of its demise, email is still a marketing workhorse.

However, businesses must stop the “spray and pray” method in lieu of incorporating smarter strategies driven by automation to get the most out of the medium. Ways to standout in... keep reading

malek's curator insight, July 18, 2014 12:45 PM

With detailed images, you can get the attention of up to 67% of your targeted audiences.

And,,,,,,,,you can download a free guide

juandoming's curator insight, July 18, 2014 12:54 PM

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massimo scalzo's curator insight, July 20, 2014 5:07 AM

Martin Smith again on the importance of Visual Content Marketing, Storytelling and Persona !  Really Worth Reading !

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Twitter Tips and 2 Questions - via @Curagami

Twitter Tips and 2 Questions - via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |
There are no "right' or "wrong" ways to use social media, but there are ways to grow your following faster and get more return from your social efforts.
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Suggested by Bill Gassett!

Pinterest Group Boards Take Real Estate Social Marketing To New Heights

Pinterest Group Boards Take Real Estate Social Marketing To New Heights | Curation Revolution |

Group boards on Pinterest can be your secret to increased followers, improved engagement, and reaching a larger audience with less effort.

Marty Note
Great Curation Revolution suggestion from my friend Bill Gassett (@MassRealty). I love group boards too because they crowdsource great Pinterest content. My Group Board include:

King of Pinterest (2,047 followers, 121 contributors)

Queen of Pinterest (3,290 followers, 325 contributors)

Love these boards since the share GREAT stuff and my work load GOES DOWN even as they get better. One caveat is Pinterest can be strange about allowing you to invite contributors. I could easily have 1,000 contributors to both boards if Pinterest didn't have such a tight and strange grip on the invite reins.

Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, February 27, 2014 9:52 PM
I never ask people who aren't folllowing and I follow them too, but some go through right away and some need to cook for a day or so. The bigger following accounts seem to be more restricted. @Bill Gassett
Bill Gassett's comment, February 27, 2014 9:53 PM
Interesting - I have had a few problems like that as well. It seems like most of the time it was with gmail. Not sure why.
Catherine Pascal's curator insight, March 2, 2014 1:52 PM


Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Why We Are All Content Curators Now - ScentTrail Marketing

Why We Are All Content Curators Now - ScentTrail Marketing | Curation Revolution |

This post shares a story, a story of a piece of content written for @ janlgordon How did Startup Trends 2014 II go from being a laggard at social shares to outshining its brother post (Startup Trends 2014 I)?

Ongoing curation and GPlus provide the answers and proving why we are all content curators now. The piece also shares some "down the SEO rabbit hole" content curation and creation perspective.

Promise to write more "down the SEO rabbit hole" content soon.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Cause Marketing Is The New Advertising - Atlantic BT

Cause Marketing Is The New Advertising - Atlantic BT | Curation Revolution |

Cause marketing is popular, but is easy to do BADLY. This post outlines how Cause Marketing when added to a diversified Internet Marketing portfolio helps create a new and better form of "advertising" and the post includes a link to our new website. 

Atlantic BT BLog Post 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

THINK Like A Marketing Pro: 5 Secret Tips (Revised Haiku Deck)

THINK Like A Marketing Pro: 5 Secret Tips (Revised Haiku Deck) | Curation Revolution |

Think Like A Web Marketer
We revised our Haiku Deck to share 5 secrets every web marketer should know including:

* Start With Why
* Diversify & Gamify
* Double Down
* Become A Nowist
* Baseball not Football

Learn more about how to become a digital marketing pro:  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

5 Tips To Magazine Your Content Marketing via Curagami

5 Tips To Magazine Your Content Marketing  via Curagami | Curation Revolution |

Future of Content Marketing For Online Merchants
Online merchants are learning hard lessons about content marketing. Mainly that it takes a lot of time, effort and money. What if you could increase your customers engagement, support and loyalty without spending an arm and a leg? Interested?

This Curagami post shares tips on how to think like a magazine editor - at least an online magazine content editor. It shares five tips including:

  • Find 3 – 5 content groups that interest your visitors.
  • Decide your schedule (we recommend monthly updates at first because that is a big commitment that must be kept to gain trust).
  • Curate content from trusted sources such as brands, manufacturers and even competitors.
  • Automate at least one of your content groups with feeds.
  • Find and nurture free visual media sources such as Haiku Deck.

Read more about evergreen content and why thinking like a magazine editor can help your online store create TRIBE and MONEY on Curagami:  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Stop Making Sense To Win Online via @Curagami

Stop Making Sense To Win Online via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |

Burn Down Your House
Talking Heads know an important internet marketing truth – sometimes you need to put on a big suit, jump around and burn down your web marketing house.

Watch David Byrne carefully. Everything happening is practiced but not stale, choreographed but spontaneous and crazy & planned. If there is a better example for where our near real time, content, community and commerce online world is going we don't know it.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

6 Reasons Your Biz Blog Sucks & How To Fix

6 Reasons Your Biz Blog Sucks & How To Fix | Curation Revolution |

Marty Note
Great post by team. At our cool tools for ecommerce merchants startup we see all six of these mistakes. Here are some of the ways we've helped clients fix reasons their biz blogs sucked:

  1.  No Subscription Form
    Agree with this mistake being #1 since it cuts off your Internet marketing nose to spite your face. BUT adding a subscription form can be tricky. If a client has a vast archive we always locate a large search box in their header. If NOT we  cross our fingers and put a subscription from up there.
    We HATE subscription forms in footers since it since the WRONG message. Footer forms say, "Sure you can join, but we don't care." Best location is left rail somewhere below your hero (largest image on the page is a hero) and that means your left column should be navvy (i.e. about 200 - 300 pixels and have other nuggets like social in there too). We don't like being forced right either since we read left to right so stuff on the left typically gets more "eye time". WE HATE popunders those annoying requests to join that must be cleared BUT they work with enough people that most online merchants use them. Our answer to that is if everyone jumped off a cliff would you too and then we realize we are sounding like our parents so we shut up (lol). If you have to popunder use as they are the least obnoxious popunder we've seen.

  2. Content Is Skinny & Stale
    Blogs are a commitment. The deal you make is you WILL be blogging several times a week. Break that commitment and your biz blog will suck, never receive links and so you may as well stay home and watch TV for all the good adding less than 300+ posts a year will do you. Blogging is a discipline, a habit, your routine must incorporate if you want your content marketing to mean anything to visitors not related to you. Daily blogging gets easier the more you do it, but do it you must as fresh content is a huge part of the bargain you are striking with Google when you put a website into its view. Google is important, but your customers are even more important and they believe in QDF too (Quality Deserves Freshness), so blog it out. 

  3. No Relevant CTAs
    Boy this is one of our HUGE pet peeves. If you don't have a BUTTON or LINK on your site that says the equivalent of CLICK ME THERE IS COOL STUFF HERE your biz blog sucks. CTAs are important, but you can have TOO MANY too, so strike a balance and ask for attention HERE and HERE.

  4. No Related Links
    Blogs are NASTY bad at building relevant next links. Without a plugin your blog will be backwards. Most default WordPress themes publish "archives" in reverse publishing order (most recent first). BTW, that sucks. You are better off to have related links at the bottom of a post AND create Top 5 lists across several dimensions such as popularity, most shared, most commented on, staff favorites and even bottom 5. Creating a priority list does wonders for content because it brings the MOB into play. We want to know what OTHERS think is interesting or bad or amazing. Lists work so USE 'em.
    We think of content as products. We want to merchandise, combine and suggest content just like an ecommerce merchant creates cross-sale and up-sale.

  5. Don't Leverage Analytics in PUBLIC
    I'm sitting at a Panera Bread writing this and there is a big sign sharing that the owners shared $19M with charity last year. Public feedback loops such as Top 5 ordered lists and Most Searched summaries help your visitors know you, your content and your tribe.

  6. No Social Shares or BAD Social Shares
    Wow we could write a mile on this one, but we will give you the quick version. 1. Make it easy to share every page 2. Remember you want some shares for your SITE and some for the content people are reading now and those are two different things and need two different social widgets. 3. ALWAYS include your @name in your auto-tweets and shares. 

Great post by the Scoop.iteers. Hope those ideas help you know how to fix six reasons your biz blog sucks. Time and web attention are way to valuable to ever SUCK. That is not to say we've never SUCKED (lol), but we try not to stink forever. Blog on :). M

Marijo's curator insight, November 19, 2014 12:10 PM

Great tips to fix your blog.

If you didn't do it already do it now.

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

THINK Like A Marketing Pro: 5 Secret Tips via @HaikuDeck

THINK Like A Marketing Pro: 5 Secret Tips via @HaikuDeck | Curation Revolution |
Biggest challenge to great web marketing may be learning to THINK like an Internet marketer. Here are 5 Secret Tips to help you become a great IMer.
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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Content Marketing: Don't Over Plan - via @Curagami

Content Marketing: Don't Over Plan - via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |

Over Planning Can KILL Your Content Marketing
We see a lot of experts, gurus and people who should know better sharing yesterday's advice. We've read thousands of words about the importance of goal setting, planning and objectives for content marketing.

People talk about creating content marketing calendars and planning everything to within an inch of your life. Good luck with that. Might have worked 3 years ago, but today's social / mobile / connected world means you need to become a NOWIST.

This Curagami post embeds the influential Joy Ito TED talk about becoming a Nowist by pulling from the network to meet demand. Your content needs to do the same.

AND You need to digitally listen. We riff a few paragraphs about what it means to digitally listen such as FOLLOWING those who follow you, Retweeting and curating content from your customers and brand advocates.

Next time you read 1,000 words on planning your "content calendar" STOP and read this Curagami post so you don't over plan your content marketing.

Brian Yanish -'s curator insight, October 15, 2014 1:29 PM

Great post and insight by @Martin (Marty) Smith sure to help you with your content marketing.

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Movement Marketing with - via @Curagami

Movement Marketing with - via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |

Movement Marketing With
Why startups create movements & community from organic fuel such as narrowing focus, winning hearts, minds & loyalty and building online community.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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What Does Red Bull Know About Online Marketing? LOTS To Steal via @HaikuDeck

What Does Red Bull Know About Online Marketing? LOTS To Steal via @HaikuDeck | Curation Revolution |
Connection, our human ability to listen, share and respond, is the new ecommerce. This Haiku Deck is in support of Marty Smith's Keynote talk at FedEx Connection Conference 7.30.14.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Stop Solipsistic Marketing - 10 Tips via @Curagami & Curatti

Stop Solipsistic Marketing - 10 Tips via @Curagami & Curatti | Curation Revolution |
Is you digital marketing talking to itself about itself? Here are 10 Tips so your online marketing wins hearts, minds and loyalty. On Curagami & Curatti.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Tips On Curagami
1. Follow more followers.
2. Value & Curate User Generated Content ( #ugc ).
3. Find Your 1% Contributors & Give Them JOBS.
4. Follow & Brand Customers (like Red Bull Branding Lessons )
5. Gamify UGC.

Tips 6 -10 are on Curatti

6. Build Community.
7. Curate 90%, Create 10%.
8. Create An Ask.
9. Use new #marketingchannels like #crowdfunding .
10. Use #newmarketing tools such as +Curagami, +Listly, +Haiku Deck,  &  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

How I Became The Most Followed Nobody In Finland via @JaanaNystrom

How I Became The Most Followed Nobody In Finland via @JaanaNystrom | Curation Revolution |

@Jaana Nyström is a great curator and she just beat me to the punch :). When she shared her EPIC journey of using G+ to move from "nobody" to "somebody" I planned to blog about her amazing journey. The content and message was too good to be trapped in comments.

Read this post CAREFULLY as you may recognize where you are on Jaana's timeline of personal brand development. There are several "inside baseball" tips to pay particular attention to including:

* Don't worry about perfection, start publishing.
* G+ is an AMAZING and vastly under used tool (start there add more social nets later).
* No matter what, keep turning the crank (keep going) since the only sin you and your personal band can't recover from is NOT PLAYING.

Great stuff from an amazing curator. What lessons did you learn from Jaana Nystrom? What similar lessons have you learned as you create a meaningful personal brand?

Suvi Salo's comment, April 14, 2014 2:28 PM
Thank you for recommendation.
malek's curator insight, April 14, 2014 4:35 PM

 I usually don't envy people, but I do envy @Jaana Nyström a bit for her energy & passion. 

Gary Harwell's curator insight, April 15, 2014 1:13 AM

seems reasonable


Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

10 Qualities of Effective Content Curators [3 From Scenttrail]

10 Qualities of Effective Content Curators [3 From Scenttrail] | Curation Revolution |

Here are 7 Tips From MoMA Curator:

1. Focus on Goals

2. Have Empathy

3. Be Careful, Cautious and Selective

4. Editorialize

5. Provide Attribution

6. Understand What’s Timely and Trending

7. Have an Eye for a Great Title

and 3 From Scenttrail (Martin Marty Smith on Scoopit)

8. Cast A WIDE Net, Curate Disparate Content.

9. Don't Forget OPC (Other People's Curation).

10. Use Rich Snippets to Consistently Theme Your Curation.

Cast a "wide net" pulling seemingly disparate subjects into your curation using our curatorial skills to create connection and synergy. Don't forget the most powerful content on YOUR network is THEIR User Generated Content (UGC) and curation. Rich Snippets don't recreate the content wheel but do them your curation creating a consistent blanket of meaning and value.

Added a comment about putting a title in front of a masterpiece in comments on

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Content Curation and SEO Response - ScentTrail Marketing

Content Curation and SEO Response - ScentTrail Marketing | Curation Revolution |

What is content curation and how can it help SEO? This post shares how content curation creates more reach faster and protects your Internet marketing.

This post is a response to Your Guide To Conent Curation for SEO by @jaysondemers (Jayson DeMers) for Search Engine Journal. Jayson's post is dissonat to my content curation experience in several important ways.

Your Guide To Content Curation For SEO is brilliant, includes orginal thinking and cagegorization I haven't thought of or about and gets more right than wrong.

That said, it felt important to sit on the ground and discuss where my content curation experience over the last three years differs from Jayson's declarations.

I linked his post and be sure to read mine and his, comment and share your thoughts since understanding what content curation IS and how it relates to SEO feels important :). M

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