MOOCs are ideal for filling knowledge gaps | GradHacker | Inside Higher Ed | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) |

Summary from Academica Top Ten - Thursday, October 8, 2015

"MOOCs are ideal for filling knowledge gaps

While many people might argue about whether MOOCs will ever provide a successful alternative to traditional university education, MOOCs can without doubt serve as a valuable supplement to this education, writes a contributor forInside Higher Ed. When some students enrol in graduate school, for example, they might need to draw on information they encountered in their first year of undergraduate studies and thus have difficulty remembering. The author argues that in this type of situation, the accessible and unintimidating qualities of MOOCs make them an ideal and cost-effective way of filling in knowledge gaps that do not require enrolment in a traditional university course. The author concludes that perusing MOOC offerings might have the added benefit of “inspir[ing] you to learn about something you’ve never considered.”"

Via iPamba