E-Learning, M-Learning
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E-Learning, M-Learning
Artículos, Recursos y Herramientas relacionados al elearning
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Rescooped by evangelina chavez from E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)

ckendall - Personal Learning Network

ckendall - Personal Learning Network | E-Learning, M-Learning | Scoop.it
Personal/Professional Learning Networks, are virtual communities where educators can connect with other educators. Share tips, resources and materials, collaboratively create materials and learning opportunities, and essentially create a network to support your professional practice. In addition, your PLN can help you connect your classroom to the world! Students can also develop their learning community. Where can they go to get information and resources, and share with others? Can such a network have educational value? Absolutely! The tools below are for teachers and for students.
Via juandoming
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Rescooped by evangelina chavez from eLearning

Does e-learning require a new theory of learning?

Does e-learning require a new theory of learning? | E-Learning, M-Learning | Scoop.it
There is a growing number of texts about e-learning, but most of them address only the problem of how to teach (‘e-teaching’). Few address the social implications of elearning; its transformative effects; or the social, multimodal and technical interplay that affords and directs e-learning, and which is currently reshaping educational practices. In the light of such developments, the research question that needs to be asked is ‘does e-learning require a new theory of learning?’

This theoretical review sits within the field of education, particularly technology- enhanced learning. But the notion of ‘technology-enhanced learning’ implies that learning exists, and is somehow ‘enhanced’ by technology. The line taken in the present article suggests otherwise: that learning and technology are reciprocal and coevolutionary.

In a previous work, in the Handbook of E-Learning Research (2007), Caroline Haythornthwaite and I identified the gap in theoretical perspectives on elearning: “what has been lacking in the literature is a work that emphasizes key theoretical frameworks that underpin the field, addresses the complex interplay of technical, social, and organizational aspects of e-learning endeavors, and the relationship between research, theory, practice and policy.” Such gaps in the field have provided the starting point for the present article, with its particular emphasis on whether e-learning requires a new theory of learning; or whether it requires merely an extension and ‘application’ of contemporary learning theories.
Via Paulo Simões
Glória Soares's comment, August 1, 2011 5:20 AM
Obrigado Paulo!
Rescooped by evangelina chavez from The_PLE

Building Open Learning Environments with OpenSocial

Building Open Learning Environments with OpenSocial | E-Learning, M-Learning | Scoop.it
The project ROLE (Responsive Open Learning Environments) aims to support learners in assembling tools and resources in their own learning environment. This is needed in informal and lifelong learning, but can also be used in formal learning settings. To achieve this, an infrastructure is developed by ROLE which can be used by developers of tools and learning environments. Components of this infrastructure are an extension of OpenSocial and an online store for tools and assembled bundles of tools and resources.
Via Paulo Simões
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Scooped by evangelina chavez

El Sitio de la Eva - Primeros pasos para los usuarios de elgg

El Sitio de la Eva - Primeros pasos para los usuarios de elgg | E-Learning, M-Learning | Scoop.it
Primeros pasos para los usuarios de elgg... Acá van algunos tips interesantes para los que quieran probar como funciona la red elgg.
Les recuerdo el link http://inteligenciaenred.com/elgg Config elgg...
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Scooped by evangelina chavez

El Sitio de la Eva - Configurando elgg (parte III)

El Sitio de la Eva - Configurando elgg (parte III) | E-Learning, M-Learning | Scoop.it
Se agregaron los paquetes de traducción al español (en el próximo post vendrá el video con la explicación de la traducción del idioma y el cambio de template) pero hubo un problema con el módulo de la validación de usuarios por mail.

Al enviar el email, no enviaba el link para que el usuario pudiera validar su cuenta e ingresar, por lo tanto usando el filezilla, fuí al módulo en cuestión y le saqué la traducción.. buscaré luego otras traducciones para probar.

Ahora, envía el mail en inglés, pero esta vez si envía el link para poder validarse...
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Scooped by evangelina chavez

El Sitio de la Eva - Video Tutorial sobre instalación y configuración de elgg...

El Sitio de la Eva - Video Tutorial sobre instalación y configuración de elgg... | E-Learning, M-Learning | Scoop.it
Video Tutorial sobre instalación y configuración de elgg en castellano.
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Scooped by evangelina chavez

El Sitio de la Eva - Instalación de elgg, documento traido desde Scribd...

El Sitio de la Eva - Instalación de elgg, documento traido desde Scribd... | E-Learning, M-Learning | Scoop.it
Instalación de elgg, documento traido desde Scribd Mini Tutoriales TIPs a Chavez Elgg 1...
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Rescooped by evangelina chavez from The_PLE

A case of institutional #PLE (#mahara + #moodle)

A case of institutional #PLE (#mahara + #moodle) | E-Learning, M-Learning | Scoop.it
This paper presents an exploratory study of the potential for offering students elements to construct their own personal learning environments, through a combination of an e-portfolio and integrated learning platform. The intention was to integrate an institutional virtual learning environment; an e-portfolio for assembling work, where the students can include ideas and reflections and create their own work; and social networks as powerful communication tools, particularly of an informal nature.

The study aims to find out whether students think that an e-portfolio can improve project assignments when used in collaborative group work; whether this independent way of learning enriches collaborative work and reciprocity among the members of each group so that a knowledge-building process is generated in the case study in question; and whether using e-portfolios contributes more effectively to the achievement of the course’s proposed learning outcomes.
Via Gisele Brugger, Paulo Simões
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Rescooped by evangelina chavez from E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)

Aprender a aprender en la red

Aprender a aprender en la red: el PLE Mi Entorno Personal de Aprendizaje Marian Calvo @Hautatzen http://hautatzen.blogspot.com/...

Via Cristóbal Suárez, juandoming
Carlos Hernández Rivera's comment, July 25, 2011 1:47 PM
Scooped by evangelina chavez

Mlearning: Desarrollar mlearning: ¿Qué dispositivo utilizamos?

Mlearning: Desarrollar mlearning: ¿Qué dispositivo utilizamos? | E-Learning, M-Learning | Scoop.it
Cuando nos iniciamos en el mlearning debemos tomar la decisión de decidir que dispositivo utilizar. En una análisis DAFO publicado por UPSIDE Learning en abril detectaba ésta como una de las debilidades del mlearning. Un mercado frangmentado y ninguna plataforma real de desarrollo suponen un obstaculo para la utilización de mlearning.
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Scooped by evangelina chavez

Selección de apps para iPhone y el iPad

Selección de apps para iPhone y el iPad | E-Learning, M-Learning | Scoop.it
Utilizando la herramienta Appsfire puedes compartir tus apps favoritos para el iPad y el iPhone. Para ello debes crear una cuenta en el servicio, seleccionar la pestaña de Myapps y buscar las herramientas que deseas recomendar. Después de ello tendrás una páginas con tus apps recomendados y además podrás insertar la misma en una página web. Aquí un ejemplo con mis apps favoritos:
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Scooped by evangelina chavez

VideoConferencias con Vyew

Video sobre la realización de VideoConferencias con Vyew
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Scooped by evangelina chavez

The Chat Console Block; A new chat for Moodle?  | Moodle News

The Chat Console Block; A new chat for Moodle?  | Moodle News | E-Learning, M-Learning | Scoop.it
Here’s a new Mod that’s now available for Moodle 2 and 1.9 which provides an overlaid chat box for logged in users. It works pretty well for 1-to-1 chat for students and teachers (and even admins) and according to the new settings also stores history/logs of all conversations occurring over the platform. The Gmail/Facebook-like chat for Moodle 1.9 is pretty slick (but note that this is still a beta release). I did have some trouble getting it to work/display properly on Chrome and Internet Explorer (but Firefox worked as described).
Check it out at https://github.com/atarplusplus/Moodle_1.9_chat_console
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Rescooped by evangelina chavez from Educación a Distancia y TIC

New Technologies and the Future of Learning

An invited presentation for the Learning Skills Group Conference, Olympia, London, on 14 June, 2011.
Via Jonquil Coy, LGA
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Rescooped by evangelina chavez from Educación Matemática

Entornos virtuales de aprendizaje (EVAs)

Entornos virtuales de aprendizaje (EVAs) | E-Learning, M-Learning | Scoop.it
Un entorno virtual de aprendizaje (EVA) es un espacio con accesos restringidos, concebido y diseñado para que las personas que acceden a él desarrollen (RT @xarxatic: Plataformas virtuales de aprendizaje opensource http://bit.ly/nVEYgQ.. Algunas alternativas...

Via Adriana Favieri
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Scooped by evangelina chavez

¿Cómo generar contenidos de calidad para Internet?

¿Cómo generar contenidos de calidad para Internet? | E-Learning, M-Learning | Scoop.it
Es una pregunta recurrente que me hacen todo el tiempo, y la respuesta es sumamente compleja. En esencia hay dos caminos para generar articulos interesantes para Internet, uno es buscar inspiración en el contenido que otros han creado, citar una noticia y dar tu opinión al respecto. Y por otro lado, comenzar de cero, usar tu creatividad, comenzar una investigación y llevar tus ideas de lo profundo de tu mente, a los píxeles del monitor.

Cada cosa tiene su dificultad, ser periodista ayuda porque conoces todo el proceso para conseguir la información y procesarla. Sin embargo, para generar grandes contenidos, que puedan ser importantes y reconocidos, no necesitas un titulo profesional. Es cosa de intentarlo.
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Scooped by evangelina chavez

El Sitio de la Eva - Configurando elgg (parte IV) Agregando traducción a español y cambiando tema...

El Sitio de la Eva - Configurando elgg (parte IV) Agregando traducción a español y cambiando tema... | E-Learning, M-Learning | Scoop.it
Configurando elgg (parte IV) Agregando traducción al español y cambiando el tema de elgg...
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Scooped by evangelina chavez

El Sitio de la Eva - Configurando elgg (parte II)

El Sitio de la Eva - Configurando elgg (parte II) | E-Learning, M-Learning | Scoop.it
Ya instalado elgg en servidor remoto y activadas las herramientas colocaremos algunas herramientas por defecto en los perfiles de los usuario y realizaremos algunas modificaciones para que el Sitio, posea algo en la portada …

Además crearé algunos nuevos “hipotéticos usuarios” para poder hacer algunas otras exploraciones.
Scooped by evangelina chavez

El Sitio de la Eva - Configurando elgg (parte I)

El Sitio de la Eva - Configurando elgg (parte I) | E-Learning, M-Learning | Scoop.it
Luego de haber instalado elgg en un servidor remoto en la siguiente URL …
http://www.inteligenciaenred.com/ (hay que hacer clic donde dice “ir a la instalación”)

… hay que configurarlo!, para ello, las primeras acciones serán habilitar todas las herramientas que la plataforma provee (en realidad activo todas para poder ir probando cada una de ellas más adelante)
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Scooped by evangelina chavez

El Sitio de la Eva - Iniciando la Exploración de elgg

El Sitio de la Eva - Iniciando la Exploración de elgg | E-Learning, M-Learning | Scoop.it
La idea de esta primera serie de post será instalar y configurar en un servidor remoto elgg, pero primero veremos un poco sobre elgg.
Elgg es una plataforma de Servicios de red social de código abierto que ofrece Blogueo, trabajo en red, comunidad, recolección de noticias vías feeds e intercambio de archivos. Todo puede ser compartido entre los usuarios, utilizando los controles de acceso y puede ser catalogado mediante tags (etiquetas).
Elgg fue iniciado originalmente por Ben Wedmuller y David Tosh, quienes subsecuentemente fundaron Curverider de acuerdo a prestación de servicios relacionados con Elgg. Ha estado en desarrollo desde 2004. En 2009, Werdmuller se retiró para proveer una estrategia de prestación de servicios Web para cualquier persona que quiera sacar provecho de sus experiencias de trabajo sobre Elgg, así como para empezar OutMap.org. La versión 1.0 fue realizada el 18 de agosto de 2008.Esta versión fue rescrita desde cero e incluyendo varias características de gran alcanceincluyendo: un nuevo modelo de datos; importar/exportar; soporte para OpenDD y más.
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Scooped by evangelina chavez

You May Already Own the Tools to Create Simple E-Learning Avatars » The Rapid eLearning Blog

You May Already Own the Tools to Create Simple E-Learning Avatars » The Rapid eLearning Blog | E-Learning, M-Learning | Scoop.it
The other day I had to re-install the webcam software for my Dell laptop. Usually I don’t install all of the other junk that seems to get bundled with software these days. But what I noticed in the Dell webcam software is that it came with Creative’s Live! Cam Avatar Creator. So I installed it.

The avatar creator is basically a simplified version of Reallusion’s CrazyTalk (which is a pretty decent application for the price). You can always buy it if you want more features and capabilities; but for me, what comes with the webcam software is more than enough.

If you have a Dell computer, here’s a link to download the file. I tested it on my desktop without the webcam, and the software works fine. If you don’t have a Dell computer, odds are that your webcam software has something similar. You’ll just have to do some digging.
Following are a few tips and tutorials to help you get started.
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Rescooped by evangelina chavez from Educación Matemática

Infografía: Evoluciòn del software educativo

Infografía: Evoluciòn del software educativo | E-Learning, M-Learning | Scoop.it
Vía Blog del profesor Lorenzo García Aretio...

Via ferbor, Adriana Favieri
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Scooped by evangelina chavez

Project mGage: Creating Engagement in Mobile Learning | Instructional Design Fusions

Project mGage: Creating Engagement in Mobile Learning | Instructional Design Fusions | E-Learning, M-Learning | Scoop.it
I’m taking a course on mobile learning being offered as part of the EDTEC Masters Program at SDSU (EDTEC700: Models and Tools for Mobile Learning, offered by Bernie Dodge). I’ve had the opportunity to listen to a recording of Bernie Dodge’s talk at ISTE, “WonderPoints: A Structure for Engaging Curiosity about the Outdoors with Mobile Devices.” While the whole talk is worth listening to, I’ll highlight some of the points I found particularly interesting here.

Mobile learning: Not about delivering learning

During the talk, Dodge notes that mobile learning is less about the technology than about the experiences it can mediate. Devices don’t deliver learning; that’s constructed by the learner. Instead, mobile devices are conduits for stimulating curiosity and active learning. I’d add that because of the ubiquity of mobile devices in our lives, this means that learning can also be a ubiquitous, more conscious process. This means that mlearning “is about understanding and knowing how to utilise our everyday life-worlds as learning spaces” (Pachler, Bachmair & Cook, 2010, p6).
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Scooped by evangelina chavez

Go Ahead…Push the Big Blue Button | Moodle News

Go Ahead…Push the Big Blue Button | Moodle News | E-Learning, M-Learning | Scoop.it
By Kent Brooks, Brian Carpenter and Steve Prater of Western Oklahoma State CollegeWestern Oklahoma State College has faced fiscal constraints for a long time. We are the classic portrait of Rural America. We see substantial population loss in rural counties, an aging demographic and declining fertility rates. Deaths vastly exceed births, schools are closing, their contents auctioned, and families are selling the farm.

These fiscal constraints have prevented us from even looking at certain IT projects in the past. Web Conferencing has long been a dilemma for me. I really love some of the commercial products available. There is no doubt that products such as WebEx and GoToMeeting Elluminate-Wimba aka Blackboard Collaborate or something like that etc. provide a tremendous service and a way to share knowledge. I have been involved in numerous sessions with all of these products and others as well. All of the products provide some way to show audio and/or video from a presenter, share slides, documents, images etc, a chat function to assist with interaction and then finally a recording feature.Different degrees of features and customization within each product then add to the complexity of the product. The myth in all of this is that I don’t really need all of the features that are available with many of these services.
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Scooped by evangelina chavez

Moodle video tutorials

Moodle video tutorials | E-Learning, M-Learning | Scoop.it
Moodle is a Course Management System (CMS), also known as a Learning Management System (LMS) or a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). It is a Free web application that educators can use to create effective online learning sites. You can download it from the moodle website.
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