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Smart Strategies That Help Students Learn How to Learn

Smart Strategies That Help Students Learn How to Learn | |

Teaching students good learning strategies would ensure that they know how to acquire new knowledge, which leads to improved learning outcomes, writes lead author Helen Askell-Williams of Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia. And studies bear this out. Askell-Williams cites as one example a recent finding by PISA, the Programme for International Student Assessment, which administers academic proficiency tests to students around the globe, and place American students in the mediocre middle. “Students who use appropriate strategies to understand and remember what they read, such as underlining important parts of the texts or discussing what they read with other people, perform at least 73 points higher in the PISA assessment—that is, one full proficiency level or nearly two full school years—than students who use these strategies the least,” the PISA report reads.

Via Gust MEES, Nancy Jones, Jim Lerman, Mark E. Deschaine, PhD
Edumorfosis's insight:

En vez de enseñar cosas que ya están accesibles en las redes, las escuelas y universidades deberían practicar la diversidad de formatos de aprendicaje posibles. Ya no es tan importante formar personas intelectuales que sepan de memoria datos declarativos, sino profesionales que tengan capacidades para el aprendizaje autónomo. Hoy día es más importante tener la capacidad de desaprender lo innecesario y reaprender lo que es verdaderamente esencial en el siglo 21.

Gust MEES's curator insight, October 6, 2016 8:19 AM
Teaching students good learning strategies would ensure that they know how to acquire new knowledge, which leads to improved learning outcomes, writes lead author Helen Askell-Williams of Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia. And studies bear this out. Askell-Williams cites as one example a recent finding by PISA, the Programme for International Student Assessment, which administers academic proficiency tests to students around the globe, and place American students in the mediocre middle. “Students who use appropriate strategies to understand and remember what they read, such as underlining important parts of the texts or discussing what they read with other people, perform at least 73 points higher in the PISA assessment—that is, one full proficiency level or nearly two full school years—than students who use these strategies the least,” the PISA report reads.


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Nancy Jones's curator insight, October 7, 2016 8:55 AM
"In our schools, “the emphasis is on what students need to learn, whereas little emphasis—if any—is placed on training students how they should go about learning the content and what skills will promote efficient studying to support robust learning,”
Koen Mattheeuws's curator insight, January 5, 2017 9:01 AM
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Las cuatro etapas de la Sinapsis Algorítmica

Las cuatro etapas de la Sinapsis Algorítmica | |

La educación universitaria se encuentra en una encrucijada única en la historia de la humanidad, donde la integración de tecnologías avanzadas redefine la forma en que se produce y se transmite el conocimiento. Un concepto emergente que está ganando relevancia en el contexto educativo es la Sinapsis Algorítmica (SA). Este término describe la simbiosis entre el cerebro humano y los modelos de lenguaje de Anteligencia Artificial (Modelos de Lenguaje de Gran Escala) en el proceso de creación de contenido digital. La SA no solo representa una metáfora poderosa para comprender la interacción entre humanos y máquinas, sino que también proporciona un marco práctico para mejorar la generación de contenido educativo de manera balanceada y aceptable.

Edumorfosis's insight:

En la primera parte presentamos el concepto de la Sinapsis Algorírmica. En esta segunda parte, nos dedicamos a describir las cuatro fases que componen este revolucionario enfoque educativo.

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LearnLM Tutor: The future of Education?

LearnLM Tutor: The future of Education? | |

In a groundbreaking move, Google recently announced its new product, LearnLM, a cutting-edge Tutor learning model set to revolutionize the educational landscape. As an AI expert focused on AI essay graders, I believe that Google’s LearnLM will significantly influence the future of education positively. This article will delve into what a LearnLM tutor is, and its potential impact on teaching and learning, and how it might reshape classrooms worldwide.

Edumorfosis's insight:

Otro ejemplo real que evidencia nuestros planteamientos. La ENSEÑANZA ya no estará en manos de los Educadores, sino en las plataformas IA de las compañías tecnológicas. Pero el APRENDIZAJE siempre será de nosotros los Humanos. La sabiduría humana es irremplazable. Hacia esa dirección es que tenemos que movernos los educadores del siglo 21. 

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The AI power user has arrived 

The AI power user has arrived  | |

The advent of artificial intelligence has understandably raised questions about its potential impact on human labor. While these fears are valid and warrant serious consideration, a closer look reveals a more nuanced—and ultimately more hopeful—reality.

New data from Microsoft and LinkedIn’s Work Trend Index reveals a workplace that’s actively seeking out employees with the skills to leverage AI for business impact, and a workforce that’s turning to AI as an antidote to burnout and overwhelming workloads. Far from replacing human talent, AI is creating new opportunities for those who can master its use and apply it to real business challenges. These AI power users are reshaping the workday and reaping the benefits, providing a glimpse into the future of work.

Edumorfosis's insight:

Desde 2015, he mencionado que las grandes Compañías Tecnológicas, EduStarups y Organismos Educativos Emergentes, extrajeron la Educación Online, TEcnología Educativa y Diseño Instruccional de las universidades. Ahora están integradas en sus cursos cortos, diplomados, certificaciones y micro-cursos.


Pero eso no se queda ahí. Con la llegada de la IA y los sistemas automatizados, estamos viendo cómo las tecnologías avanzadas van por el trabajo de los curricularistas, diseñadores instruccionales, diseñadores gráficos, especialistas TIC, desarrolladores de contenido, tutores, instructores, evaluadores, orientadores y otras profesiones relacionadas.


La Educación Corporativa no solo va por las EdTech y sus modalidades de enseñanza. Ahora va por las personas...!

What would it take to attract Gen Z to teaching? 

What would it take to attract Gen Z to teaching?  | |

With interest in the teaching profession waning and enrollment in teacher preparation programs reaching historic lows, all eyes are on the next crop of students — tomorrow’s prospective educators — to make up the deficit.

Today’s high school and college students are part of Generation Z, a group of people who range in age from 12 to 28, and have characteristics, attitudes and aspirations that distinguish them from prior generations.

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A new Assessment Design Framework for the AI era: Reflections Part 1

A new Assessment Design Framework for the AI era: Reflections Part 1 | |

As a framework, “Stop Grading Essays, Start Grading Chats” © includes preparation activities to kickstart student thinking before AI use, mechanisms for developing AI Literacy, evaluation windows for assessing content-specific understandings within the context of AI usage, and a reflective assessment that stresses the importance of critically reviewing AI-generated content. Moreover, it fosters a form of meta-cognitive and creative thinking that I once only dreamed of developing in my classroom.

I first used this concept in September of 2023 but have since tweaked and added a few pieces – like the “Purpose Statement” and the “What-Why-How” approach. I invite feedback via the comments section, LinkedIn, or through direct message here on Substack. Most of all though, I look forward to future collaborations with any interested educators!

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[eBook] AI-enhanced Instructional Design

[eBook] AI-enhanced Instructional Design | |

AI provides educators and instructional designers with powerful tools to enhance the student learning experience. This guide presents practical examples of AI applications that are versatile and suitable for a broad spectrum of instructional activities, alongside others that have more specific uses. The textbook explores effective ways AI can generate high-quality course content, foster creativity, personalize learning, and drive innovation. Across the 18 chapters, the authors emphasize the need to work together to ensure AI's ethical and responsible use in educational settings.!

Teachers as knowmads in the era of AI

Teachers as knowmads in the era of AI | |

In recent talks in Argentina, Spain, and Colombia, I delved into the competencies essential for "knowmads" in the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This transformative era requires a shift in how educators approach teaching and learning, and it’s critical to understand what this means for teachers today.

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Educación 6.0 (2050)

Educación 6.0 (2050) | |

La Educación 6.0, conceptualizada por Juan Domingo Farnós, representa una vanguardia en la pedagogía contemporánea, caracterizada por la integración sinérgica de tecnologías emergentes como la Inteligencia Artificial General (AGI), la realidad aumentada, los hologramas y los principios de la física cuántica en los procesos educativos. Este paradigma metodológico promueve una personalización del aprendizaje sin precedentes, ajustándose meticulosamente a las necesidades individuales de cada estudiante mediante algoritmos adaptativos y análisis de big data, potenciados por capacidades cuánticas.

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Hacia una alfabetización en IA ‘Más allá de lo digital’

Hacia una alfabetización en IA ‘Más allá de lo digital’ | |

Este estudio explora el potencial de una perspectiva 'más allá de lo digital' hacia la agencia y la autoría en la era postdigital. Al examinar las narrativas de los estudiantes sobre sus interacciones con ChatGPT, esta investigación contribuye a la conversación académica en curso sobre la relación entre humanos e IA en contextos educativos. El estudio analiza las percepciones de agencia y autoría de estudiantes universitarios a través de un proyecto de escritura de investigación asistido por IA.


Concluimos este estudio con implicaciones pedagógicas para fomentar un enfoque 'más allá de lo digital' para la alfabetización crítica en IA. Además, el estudio ofrece implicaciones para la investigación futura de proyectos de escritura asistida por IA, con un enfoque en la integración cuidadosa de tecnologías de IA para fomentar la alfabetización crítica entre estudiantes universitarios.

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Jóvenes y tecnología: Entre lo físico y lo digital, la realidad 'figital'

Jóvenes y tecnología: Entre lo físico y lo digital, la realidad 'figital' | |

No cabe hablar del “mundo físico” como oposición al “mundo digital”. Entre los jóvenes de 14 y 19 años, la separación entre los espacios digitales y físicos se desvanece: el móvil es un espacio de vivencia y cultura, con sus propios códigos y significados. Que hay que entender, pero no desde la visión del adulto, sino intentando entender a los jóvenes.

Para ellos, la realidad no es ni digital, ni física: es una, y está conectada. Es una realidad “figital”. Y para existir en el entorno físico, necesitan hacerlo también en el digital.

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Report finds “misalignment” between credentials and jobs

Report finds “misalignment” between credentials and jobs | |

A new report from the Georgetown Center on Education and the Workforce found a “great misalignment” between projected job demand in many local labor markets and the mix of credentials available to workers seeking jobs requiring more than a high school diploma but less than a bachelor’s degree.

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OpenAI introduces ChatGPT Edu, revolutionizing Higher Education

OpenAI introduces ChatGPT Edu, revolutionizing Higher Education | |

ChatGPT Edu, powered by GPT-4o, is designed for universities to responsibly integrate AI into academic and campus operations. This advanced AI tool supports text and vision reasoning, data analysis, and offers enterprise-level security.

Successful applications at institutions like Columbia University and Wharton School highlight its potential. ChatGPT Edu aims to make AI accessible and beneficial across educational settings.

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IA en Universidades

IA en Universidades | |

La IA Generativa y predictiva llega para obligar a las universidades a repensarse (una vez más) y tomar nuevas decisiones de diseño. Bienvenido este paradigma de producción y distribución de conocimiento. Sabemos que cuando a los sistemas complejos se los priva de estresores se vuelven débiles, como define la antifragilidad de Taleb (2012).

Esta problemática afectará en muy pocos años a nuestro día a día como gestores o profesores universitarios. Por esto, no es suficiente proponer y armar debates sobre el futuro de la educación con los usos de la IA. Más allá de cualquier conversación, ¿qué está haciendo usted lector ahora mismo para adaptarse?

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GPT-4o: la IA multimodal que cambiará tu mundo 

GPT-4o: la IA multimodal que cambiará tu mundo  | |

GPT-4o, el nuevo modelo insignia de OpenAI, representa un avance significativo en el campo de la inteligencia artificial. Este modelo multimodal es capaz de procesar y generar texto, audio, voz, video e imágenes de manera nativa, lo que lo convierte en lo más cercano a las IA de las películas. GPT-4o supera a su predecesor GPT-4 en rendimiento, velocidad y capacidades multimodales, al tiempo que es más eficiente y accesible. Este artículo explora en detalle las características de GPT-4o, lo compara con modelos anteriores y discute sus potenciales aplicaciones e impacto en la industria de la IA.

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¿Deberíamos revisar el alcance del término inteligencia? (I)

¿Deberíamos revisar el alcance del término inteligencia? (I) | |

El interés por la inteligencia humana formaba ya parte de mis preconcepciones. Si queremos desarrollar inteligencia artificial debemos entender la inteligencia natural y conocer cómo funciona. Este curso académico se inició en mi universidad el grado de ingeniería en inteligencia artificial.

Impartí a los alumnos de primero en el primer cuatrimestre la asignatura de lógica. En la sesión de presentación, recién aterrizados en la universidad, tras hablarles de lógica y de inteligencia artificial (IA) finalicé la sesión haciéndoles la siguiente recomendación:

«Aprended durante el grado mucha tecnología para la IA, pero al mismo tiempo leed ensayos de filosofía e inteligencia humana».

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Do Chatbot Tutors work better when they're upbeat — and female? 

Do Chatbot Tutors work better when they're upbeat — and female?  | |

Since the sudden arrival of ChatGPT just a few months ago, there’s renewed interest in using AI chatbots as tutors. The tech itself raises a host of challenging questions. Some researchers are exploring one that might sound trivial but actually could be quite thorny: What should these computer-generated educational assistants look and sound like?

It turns out, one of the world’s most-cited educational researchers, Richard Mayer, is working on a series of studies looking at what kind of computer-generated voices and images are most engaging to learners and lead to the best outcomes.

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Is it fair and accurate for AI to grade Standardized Tests? 

Is it fair and accurate for AI to grade Standardized Tests?  | |

Texas found itself in need of a way to score exponentially more written responses on the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness, or STAAR, after a new law mandated that at least 25 percent of questions be open-ended — rather than multiple choice — starting in the 2022-23 school year.

Officials have said that the auto-scoring system will save the state millions of dollars that otherwise would have been spent on contractors hired to read and score written responses — with only 2,000 scorers needed this spring compared to 6,000 at the same time last year.

Edumorfosis's insight:

Comenzamos a ver el impacto de la IA en el sector educativo. Cerca de 4 mil empleados serán reemplazados por sistemas automatizados de IA para evaluar las pruebas STAAR en el estado de Texas.

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GPT-4o: Tutores superinteligentes que no se cansan, ¿y ahora qué?

GPT-4o: Tutores superinteligentes que no se cansan, ¿y ahora qué? | |

Estamos frente a una revolución tecnológica que abre las puertas a nuevas posibilidades, pero también a desafíos que aún no podemos prever completamente. Sin embargo, debemos estar preparados para comprender estos desafíos y tomar acciones que aseguren una implementación positiva de la IA en beneficio de nuestro mundo.

La pregunta que surge naturalmente ante este escenario es: ¿qué podemos esperar en la educación con el potencial que ofrece la Inteligencia Artificial? Principalmente, la posibilidad de contar con tutores personalizados disponibles las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana. Esta capacidad presenta una dicotomía que merece ser analizada detenidamente. 

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Use Artificial Intelligence to get your students thinking critically

Use Artificial Intelligence to get your students thinking critically | |

As educators, how can we craft questions that effectively encourage critical thinking? How can we write the right questions? And how can we use artificial intelligence to link concepts and foster critical thinking among our students? 

Via Vladimir Kukharenko, LGA!

The risks of AI in Science, per Princeton, Yale Professors

The risks of AI in Science, per Princeton, Yale Professors | |

“We risk a future in which we produce more...but we understand less,” according to Yale anthropologist Lisa Messeri and Princeton cognitive scientist M. J. Crockett.

From questions of bias and systemic injustice to alignment to existential risk and the Singularity, artificial intelligence is a field in which conversations about risk, safety, and ethics are commonplace—and often contentious.

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Maybe too many people go to University

Maybe too many people go to University | |

Student fees can’t just stay frozen forever as universities will be forced to continue cutting costs and driving up revenues in any way they can – with an inevitable drop in pedagogical standards.

Someone then is going to have to pay for this funding shortfall.


Should it be students themselves through higher fees, the general taxpayer through government subsidy, or even employers by paying a levy whenever they hire graduates?

Via Vladimir Kukharenko, juandoming
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[PDF] Mi realidad conectata: Sí, tambien soy digital

[PDF] Mi realidad conectata: Sí, tambien soy digital | |

En el trabajo objeto de este informe, elaborado por nuestro equipo de Investigación y Estudios, se ha adoptado un enfoque híbrido basado en la antropología digital y la sociotecnología, que se desarrolla posteriormente con foco en una hipótesis de trabajo de partida muy específica: la tecnología es cultura. La realidad de nuestra población joven es una, física y digital, conectada. Se trata por tanto de una realidad “figital”.

Entre nuestras conclusiones destaca especialmente el hecho de que la jerarquía existente entre lo físico y lo digital, en la que se apoyan muchas de las medidas restrictivas adoptadas con una mentalidad adultocéntrica, deja de tener sentido en un espacio conectado, que es una sola realidad “figital” para las personas jóvenes, tal y como lo confirman los resultados obtenidos para nuestra muestra.

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[opinion] Learn to work or work to learn—let students choose 

[opinion] Learn to work or work to learn—let students choose  | |

For generations, formal education has been designed so that we learn to work. People go to school, acquire knowledge and skills, and then apply for jobs where that knowledge and skill can be applied. People learn so that they can work. This model motivated generations of individuals to become teachers, engineers, nurses, business leaders, and accountants during the twentieth century. However, the learn-to-work model has been losing its appeal for decades. Consider the possibility that this steep decline is not because any particular generation or segment of the population is addicted to social media, lazy or fragile. Consider instead that it is because our system of education (cradle-to-grave) is producing exactly what it was designed to produce. It was not designed to appeal to every person. It was not designed to serve every segment of the population. It was designed to rank and sort.

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Merging Online Education and Architecture: How virtual learning is shaping future architects?

Merging Online Education and Architecture: How virtual learning is shaping future architects? | |

The digital age has brought many changes to our daily lives, and education is no exception. Over the last decade, online master’s programs have seen significant growth. From business to engineering, virtual classrooms break down geographical barriers, making higher education accessible to many. The benefits of online learning include flexibility, the ability to balance work and studies, and access to diverse resources. But how does this affect the field of architecture?

Recent events have further accelerated the shift towards online education. Many traditional universities have had to quickly adapt and offer online courses. This sudden change has shown that online education can be just as effective as in-person learning when done right. The pandemic has also highlighted the importance of digital skills and adaptability, which online education can help develop.

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The importance of AI acceptance in Education

The importance of AI acceptance in Education | |

Implementing artificial intelligence in schools can be a difficult discussion to have. As AI grows and evolves, how we use it changes alongside it. How can we keep up with such a malleable landscape while addressing any issues that may come up with its use?

Kerry Gallagher, Assistant Principal for Teaching and Learning at St. John’s Prep in Danvers, Massachusetts, expounds on a method she created to help acknowledge and implement AI use in her district, as well as to make an ongoing commitment to staying involved and informed with its use.

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Spatial Learning: The new frontier in Corporate Education

Spatial Learning: The new frontier in Corporate Education | |

Spatial Computing is 2024’s hot tech topic. Alongside emerging technology drivers like GenAI, spatial computing solutions—including AR/VR/MR technologies—are changing the workplace today.


Most notably, learning and training use cases are proving the wealthiest investment space for companies interested in XR. Already many firms are getting ahead by retaining knowledge and upskilling workers thanks to spatial learning solutions.

Edumorfosis's insight:

La Educación Corporativa se está moviendo del Aprendizaje Inmersivo al Aprendizaje Espacial Computacional...

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