#Take5 #71 Gilly Salmon: Five steps forward | Digital Learning - beyond eLearning and Blended Learning | Scoop.it

The 5-stage model for online learning was first built nearly 30 years ago from grounded and action research. (Sure, cue violins!). It was rooted in social constructivism, learner engagement and scaffolding when content was still king. Initially, I deployed it to support tutor development – the term I called ‘e-moderating’.

Fast forward through three editions of the book, another on the way, and the birth of Carpe Diem Learning Design – a team-based approach to learning design. Many colleagues across levels, disciplines and geography, have recently discovered or revisited the five stages to support their rapid pivot to quality online, blended and hybrid education.

Now teams use the model (and its sister framework, e-tivities) for both design and teaching development. So, I thought you might like a 2022 , and beyond, reminder.