Helicopter Parenting: Good For Your Pets, Bad For Your Kids | eParenting and Parenting in the 21st Century | Scoop.it

                   "Helicopter the one on the left, not the right."


"If you want to make your children neurotic, clinginess and overprotectiveness on your part - helicopter parenting - is the way to go.

"Assuming you don't want to cause that, it is still okay to hover over your dogs and cats, according to an analysis of pet owners by psychologists at U.C. Berkeley and California State University, East Bay.

"They used an online survey of more than 1,000 pet owners nationwide to analyze the key personality traits and nurturing styles of people who identified as a "cat person," a "dog person," "both" or "neither."  Those who expressed the greatest affection for their pets were also the most conscientious and neurotic, suggesting that the qualities that work for domesticated canine and feline companions, who tend to require lifelong parenting, make for overbearing parents."


Summary from BrainHQ Brain Fitness News: January 2015

Neurotic People Make the Best Pet Owners 
Psychologists at UC Berkeley and Cal State East Bay recently conducted a study of pet owners, and found that those who had the most “neurotic” tendencies were also the most conscientious when it came to their pets’ happiness and well-being. They suggest that if your tendency is to be a “helicopter parent,” it will work out much better for your pets than for your (human) children.

Via iPamba, Lon Woodbury