The future of education lies in the development of skills, not Victorian rote learning, says Tutors International | gpmt |
Tutors International today issued a comment that highlights the transformative impact of personalised learning, emphasising its role in empowering students to go beyond traditional styles of classroom learning to push educational boundaries and become confident, lifelong learners.

OXFORD, England, March 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In a recent statement, Tutors International, a leading provider of bespoke tutoring services, has shed light on the significant advantages of personalised learning in fostering academic success and personal growth among students. The conventional one-size-fits-all approach of classroom education, while foundational, often misses the mark in catering to the individual needs and learning styles of each student. Personalised learning, particularly through private tutoring, presents a paradigm shift that recognises and nurtures the unique potential within every learner.

Via Canadian Vocational Association / Association canadienne de la formation professionnelle, juandoming