Highlights from "Blended Learning on MIT's Campus" xTalk | Office of Digital Learning | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path | Scoop.it

MIT’s online learning platform, MITx, allows educators to develop and share knowledge, and provides students with essential tools and resources outside the classroom. At the Nov 16 xTalk, a panel of four MITx Digital Learning Scientists and educators, Dr. Simona Socrate from Mechanical Engineering, Dr. Saif Rayyan from the Physics Department, Dr. Mary Ellen Wiltrout with the Biology Department, and Dr. Jessica Sandland from Materials Science & Engineering, shared their experiences implementing blended learning in residential classes at MIT. Here are the highlights of their discussion: - See more at: https://odl.mit.edu/news-events/blog/highlights-blended-learning-mits-campus-xtalk#sthash.QjHhU4R5.IrrK8kD8.dpuf