Middle School Math HD for iPad gets facelift | mlearn | Scoop.it

Canadian based Interactive Elementary, a company specializing in the development of educational applications for Apple's iPad, today released a significant update to its flagship software, Middle School Math HD.


The app, downloaded in over thirty countries since its initial release last June, provides students aged 11-14 with game-based activities to practice core mathematical concepts.


"We have introduced several add-ons over the last few months," explains company president Dave Brown, an Ontario teacher. "Our focus through the second half of last year was making the app more comprehensive, and we achieved that by increasing the number of games included from five to the current eight. I believe, however, this latest update is especially significant because it really harmonizes the app. We had some top notch professionals completely redesign the user interface."


FG Factory, a Ukranian graphic design firm, headed the redesign. They were charged with unifying the thematic elements, enhancing the app's graphics and smoothing out the user experience.


"Alexandr Klimenko and his team were awesome. They really brought a fresh perspective," says Brown. "This is a significant upgrade."


Brown explains the market for educational apps has grown at a torrid pace as schools around the globe embrace tablet technology.


"We continue to see the most growth in the American market, but certainly schools worldwide are seeing the potential for tablets in schools, and although we have received an excellent response from the educational technology community, sales for home use are strong as well."


Coordinate geometry, operations with integers, and data management are among the many concepts explored in Middle School Math HD, which the company plans to see through more upgrades in 2012.


"We are committed to the ongoing development of Middle School Math HD. We've got eyes on the development of Windows 8 tablets and what that could mean in education, but our iOS version will certainly lead the way for the foreseeable future. We see the tablet as the textbook of the future. We fully expect to add more modules, integrate instructional videos, and incorporate more controls for teachers to collect student data."


To celebrate the update, Middle School Math HD is available today on the App Store for $0.99, $3 off the regular price.


An iPhone version of the app is expected to be released early next week.



Via Dave Brown