Alcohol: The 500 Kilo Canary In The Mineshaft - J. Thomas | Revalued |

The 500 kilo canary in the mineshaft of the global health crisis is sugar in all of its various manifestations, but especially alcohol. Alcohol is the most addictive substance known to man, and is the only drug mentioned (some say prohibited) in scripture. It is also the foundation of the British, now Anglo/American Empire. It is also a central nervous system depressant. If alcohol were to be treated like other drugs, it would be Schedule 1, right next to heroin. 



Demon Rum is a multi-billion international cartel that profits from the ill-health of “consumers.” Believe it or not, there was a time on this planet when the goal of every man, woman, and adolescent was not to get drunk. 

The Brits saw to that by exporting rum and tobacco to every corner of the Earth. This was possible due to their advanced naval capabilities. They also tried to force opium down the throats of the Chinese. Twice. 


But if you add up all the opioid (includes heroin and morphine) cocaina, and prescription drug addicts, they would pale in comparison to the number of people who are in the various stages of alcoholism. From “day-drinking” to “happy”-hour to the casual six pack per day, alcohol use and abuse is promoted, tolerated, and excused by society at large, and by our trusted guardians. “Oh, they were drunk” has been used successfully as an excuse for everything from tipping cows to murder. 


I am absolutely convinced that the ridiculous cancer rates in the “developed” world have a direct link to sugar consumption; alcohol is a form of sugar. I am also convinced that as alcohol is known to affect judgement, it is responsible for many of the horrible decisions being made by our Fearless Leaders. In case you hadn’t noticed, this world is a mess, and the people running it all drink. No vegans here, kids. 


No “Wise Men” here, either. No history professors, or nurses, or engineers, or farmers running the country, as Jefferson imagined. You know, people that actually know something. No, the culture is all lawyers and hustlers…excuse me, “business men,” and the sycophants who hope one day to replace them. 


And what do they do, with great frequency? They drink alcohol, and then make executive decisions. Or maybe they make them when “hung-over” (your body telling you that you almost died). “Wine is a mocker, and strong drinks raging, and he who indulges therein is not wise.” But then, much of the advice in most Holy Books is simply ignored….

Via ThePlanetaryArchives/BlackHorseMedia - San Francisco