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¿Qué nuevas habilidades necesitamos para trabajar con la IA?

¿Qué nuevas habilidades necesitamos para trabajar con la IA? | Edumorfosis.Work |

La inteligencia artificial está transformando profundamente la manera en que interactuamos con la tecnología. Se abre un paradigma nuevo en la forma de trabajar, crear y desarrollar cualquier tipo de contenido y, por lo tanto, surge la necesidad de desarrollar nuevas habilidades para trabajar con ella.

Al mismo tiempo, resulta conveniente revisar el conjunto de conocimientos y destrezas que los humanos hemos empleado hasta ahora para trabajar e identificar cuáles de ellas persisten, cuáles caducan y cuáles debemos potenciar.

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La IA Generativa afectará más a los profesionales de nivel educativo alto

La IA Generativa afectará más a los profesionales de nivel educativo alto | Edumorfosis.Work |

Los profesionales de cuello blanco, aquellos que tienen un nivel educativo y unos salarios más altos, serán quienes se verán más afectados por la generalización de la Inteligencia Artificial generativa IAG, al contrario de lo que sucedió en anteriores revoluciones cuyas consecuencias impactaron de manera más notoria en los trabajadores sobre todo manuales, según recoge un informe de la Agencia Vasca de Innovación Innobasque.

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Most of 2030's jobs haven't been invented yet

Most of 2030's jobs haven't been invented yet | Edumorfosis.Work |

Up to 85% of the jobs that today's college students will have in 11 years haven't been invented yet. That's according to a panel of experts assembled by the Institute for the Future, although an exact percentage is impossible to predict.

The IFTF, a nonprofit that seeks to identify emerging trends and their impacts on global society, forecasts that many of the tasks and duties of the jobs that today's young people will hold in 2030 don't exist right now.

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The biggest Workplace Tech Trends in the next 10 years

The biggest Workplace Tech Trends in the next 10 years | Edumorfosis.Work |

The workplace, in particular, is in an ongoing state of evolution. For many businesses, the Covid-19 pandemic was a catalyst for massive change that’s still ongoing. And artificial intelligence – particularly the new generative AI tools – are already changing many aspects of day-to-day work across various industries and professions.

Of course, ten years is a big jump forward, and it’s hard to say anything about what life will be like by then with 100 percent certainty. But by extrapolating what’s going on today and imagining how wider societal changes could continue to impact our lives, we can take an educated guess. These are some of the trends I think could be on the agenda as we move into the second half of the next decade.

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Alberto Granados (Microsoft España): “La IA no va a destruir empleo. Las empresas que usan esta herramienta están contratando personas”

Alberto Granados (Microsoft España): “La IA no va a destruir empleo. Las empresas que usan esta herramienta están contratando personas” | Edumorfosis.Work |

Hace unos años que la Inteligencia Artificial desembarcó en la sociedad, irrumpiendo con fuerza y con miras de hacerse un hueco en diversos sectores. Ahora es ya una realidad en muchos ámbitos, donde ha ganado especial relevancia dentro de las empresas y en su impacto económico en el PIB. El director de Microsoft España, Alberto Granados, ha explicado cuáles son los retos de las empresas y la sociedad en general en cuanto a la Inteligencia artificial, hacía donde vamos y qué estrategias y medidas hay que tomar en la actualidad.

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Preparing for the future of work in an AI-driven world

Preparing for the future of work in an AI-driven world | Edumorfosis.Work |

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the workplace, with profound implications for how executives and workers navigate their career paths. As it continues to revolutionize industries, business leaders stress the urgency of acquiring AI-related skills. A staggering 87% of managers struggle to find staff with AI capabilities, while 79% of C-suite executives fear being unprepared for the future without AI knowledge. 

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El diálogo entre un filósofo y un experto en IA: La IA no es inteligencia sino eficiencia

El diálogo entre un filósofo y un experto en IA: La IA no es inteligencia sino eficiencia | Edumorfosis.Work |

En cuanto a los mitos y realidades, Sergio explicó que la IA en realidad no es inteligencia, porque su fin es solo la eficiencia. La eficiencia, según él, podría ser definida como «hacer más con lo mismo, o hacer lo mismo con menos». Por lo tanto, la IA no debe considerarse más que una herramienta utilizada para aumentar la eficiencia.

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The AI Act is done. Here’s what will (and won’t) change

The AI Act is done. Here’s what will (and won’t) change | Edumorfosis.Work |

It’s official. After three years, the AI Act, the EU’s new sweeping AI law, jumped through its final bureaucratic hoop last week when the European Parliament voted to approve it. (You can catch up on the five main things you need to know about the AI Act with this story I wrote last year.) 

This also feels like the end of an era for me personally: I was the first reporter to get the scoop on an early draft of the AI Act in 2021, and have followed the ensuing lobbying circus closely ever since. 

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Where Generative AI meets human rights

Where Generative AI meets human rights | Edumorfosis.Work |

In November 2022, OpenAI released ChatGPT. Less than 18 months later, the subject of generative AI dominates almost every sphere of life, public and private. Policymakers talk about it; economists talk about it; social scientists, parents, teachers, and investors talk about it.

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[PDF] The Future of Growth Report 2024

[PDF] The Future of Growth Report 2024 | Edumorfosis.Work |

The recent sustained slowdown in growth has been compounded by a succession of crises and dislocations. These crises have raised questions not just about the stability of prevailing approaches to stimulating economic growth, but about the goals and values underpinning it.

It is now more than 15 years since the beginning of the global financial crisis, but it continues to cast a shadow, not least in the policy choices of many advanced economies. The COVID-19 pandemic and the shock of lockdowns, left behind an aftermath of a surge in public debt levels and reversal of global development progress. Geopolitical tensions and conflicts have further reshaped an increasingly multipolar international order, with far-reaching implications for technology, growth and development.
Overshadowing these developments is the growing awareness that the world’s rising temperature poses grave dangers to the
long-term prospects for humanity, with the world currently on track for a temperature rise significantly above the targets set out in the Paris Agreement in 2015. In parallel, polarization and mistrust is growing in many societies, with only 50% of people trusting governments and only 41% trusting government leaders.

All of this has taken place against – and has also frequently contributed to – a backdrop of increasing global contention over economic policies, norms and structures. The extent to which there was previously agreement on these matters should not be overstated, with older prescriptions for growth, including the so-called “Washington consensus”, having broken down before the global financial crisis had erupted.

But the forces of change have intensified over the past two decades, in particular as politics in many advanced economies have fractured, as the power and resources of emerging economies have increased, and as many leaders across the world have sought to strengthen national economic policy-making as a counterweight to the political and economic effects of globalization.

The work in this report starts from two key premises. The first is that economic growth is an essential policy objective and a key prerequisite for improving living standards and making progress on almost any other policy agenda. The second is that growth policy is an inherently normative exercise, with tradeoffs and synergies. As such, there will inevitably be disagreements on these normative considerations.

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Reskilling in the Age of AI

Reskilling in the Age of AI | Edumorfosis.Work |

In the coming decades, as the pace of technological change continues to increase, millions of workers may need to be not just upskilled but reskilled—a profoundly complex societal challenge that will sometimes require workers to both acquire new skills and change occupations entirely. Companies have a critical role to play in addressing this challenge, but to date few have taken it seriously. To learn more about what their role will entail, the authors—members of a collaboration between the Digital Data Design Institute at Harvard’s Digital Reskilling Lab and the Boston Consulting Group’s Henderson Institute—interviewed leaders at some 40 organizations around the world that are investing in large-scale reskilling programs. In synthesizing what they learned, they became aware of five paradigm shifts that are emerging in reskilling:

  1. Reskilling is a strategic imperative.
  2. It is the responsibility of every leader and manager.
  3. It is a change-management initiative.
  4. Employees want to reskill—when it makes sense.
  5. It takes a village.

The authors argue that companies will need to understand and embrace these shifts if they hope to succeed in adapting dynamically to the rapidly evolving new era of automation and AI.

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Why Shadow AI is an even bigger problem than shadow IT

Why Shadow AI is an even bigger problem than shadow IT | Edumorfosis.Work |

Today's businesses are witnessing firsthand the transformative power of generative AI. A recent study found that 28% of workers use generative AI tools on the job, but more than half of them do it without permission from their employers. That number is growing, with nearly a third (32%) reporting plans to use GenAI tools soon.

The use of GenAI to write a brief or analyze a dataset may seem harmless. But experts warn Shadow AI — AI used by workers independently outside IT governance — can have unwanted security implications. 

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Reinvención del trabajo en la era de la IA

Reinvención del trabajo en la era de la IA | Edumorfosis.Work |

La revolución de la IA Generativa es distinta a todo lo anterior. Cualquiera puede usarla para automatizar o enriquecer tareas básicas, pero la IAGen ya está demostrando también su potencial para reinventar procesos en toda la cadena de valor. Si quieren adoptar esta revolucionaria tecnología con responsabilidad y mejorar el trabajo para todos, los líderes tienen que liderar y aprender de formas nuevas. Eso significa tener una idea clara de cómo reinventar el trabajo, remodelar la plantilla y preparar a los trabajadores para el mundo de la IA generativa, al tiempo que se crea una cultura de resiliencia para hacer frente a continuas oleadas de cambio.

La IAGen dará lugar a cambios económicos y laborales sin precedentes desde las revoluciones agrícola e industrial, lo que llevará a una reinvención del trabajo con procesos más centrados en las personas. La IAGen está democratizando el rediseño de procesos de negocio, permitiendo que cualquiera (desde montadores hasta agentes de atención al cliente o científicos) pueda transformar su propio trabajo.

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AI just ended music (now it’s personal) feat Rick Beato

AI just ended music (now it’s personal) feat Rick Beato | Edumorfosis.Work |

Throughout history, creating a complete piece of music has always been a human process. There have been attempts to compose and render songs using computers before, but frankly they weren't great.

Today, that all changes with two AI music platforms. Udio and Suno. In this episode, we'll take a look at both and talk to experts like Rick Beato to see what this means for the future of the music industry.

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Generative AI at Work Research Report

Generative AI at Work Research Report | Edumorfosis.Work |

The OpenAI and Sam Altman saga was one of the most debated in years. And for good reason: AI and the future of the companies bringing us these tools impact us all.

Knowing the massive impact AI will have on the future of work, we set out to understand how much knowledge workers are familiar with Generative AI tools, how often they use them, and which tools are most popular.

Leaders who want their teams to focus on what matters have shifted to AI early on to offload manual, repetitive tasks that can be easily automated. How about the rest?

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Disruption or Distortion? The impact of AI on future operating models

Disruption or Distortion? The impact of AI on future operating models | Edumorfosis.Work |

With the weekly drumbeat of generative AI advancements and corporate leaders signaling the need for their organizations to harness the power of AI, larger questions are emerging for these same executives to address.

In addition to the ethical challenges that AI presents for their customers, employees, and society, companies must grapple with how AI will fundamentally shift their operating model, including the workforce. Almost two-thirds (65%) of American executives believe generative AI will have a high or extremely high impact on their organization in the next three to five years, but 60% say they are still one to two years from deploying their first GenAI solution, per a recent KPMG survey.

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Guía sobre la IA Generativa

Guía sobre la IA Generativa | Edumorfosis.Work |

La IA Generativa (GenAI) es un término amplio que describe cualquier tipo de inteligencia artificial (IA) capaz de producir nuevos textos, imágenes, vídeos o clips de audio. Técnicamente, este tipo de IA aprende patrones a partir de datos de entrenamiento y genera nuevos resultados únicos con las mismas propiedades estadísticas.

Los modelos de IA Generativa utilizan indicaciones para guiar la generación de contenidos y emplean el aprendizaje por transferencia para ser más competentes. Los primeros modelos de IA Generativa se crearon pensando en tipos de datos y aplicaciones específicos. Por ejemplo, DeepDream de Google se diseñó para manipular y mejorar imágenes. Puede producir efectos visuales nuevos y atractivos, pero el desarrollo del modelo se centró principalmente en el procesamiento de imágenes, y sus capacidades no se aplican a otros tipos de datos.

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AI is turning into something totally new (Mustafa Suleyman)

AI is turning into something totally new (Mustafa Suleyman) | Edumorfosis.Work |

When it comes to artificial intelligence, what are we actually creating? Even those closest to its development are struggling to describe exactly where things are headed, says Microsoft AI CEO Mustafa Suleyman, one of the primary architects of the AI models many of us use today. He offers an honest and compelling new vision for the future of AI, proposing an unignorable metaphor — a new digital species — to focus attention on this extraordinary moment.

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Introducing our Open Mixed Reality Ecosystem

Introducing our Open Mixed Reality Ecosystem | Edumorfosis.Work |

Today, we’re taking a major step toward our vision for a more open computing platform for the metaverse. We’re opening up the operating system that powers our Meta Quest devices to third-party hardware makers, giving developers a larger ecosystem to build for and ultimately creating more choice for consumers. This platform is the product of a decade of investment into the underlying technologies that enable mixed reality, and opening it up means a lot more people will benefit from that investment. We’re working with leading global technology companies to create a new ecosystem of mixed reality devices, and we’re making it even easier for developers to build mixed reality apps. 

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¿La IA es más inteligente que los humanos? Un estudio de Stanford afirma que nos supera "con creces"

¿La IA es más inteligente que los humanos? Un estudio de Stanford afirma que nos supera "con creces" | Edumorfosis.Work |

Un nuevo estudio publicado por la Universidad de Stanford asegura que la inteligencia artificial ha alcanzado unos niveles de rendimiento que superan las capacidades humanas en toda una serie de tareas. Es decir, en este sentido los modelos de IA ya habrían superado a los humanos en la clasificación de imágenes hace casi 10 años.

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Building a future-ready workforce in the age of AI

Building a future-ready workforce in the age of AI | Edumorfosis.Work |

The age of artificial intelligence (AI) is here, and it promises to reshape the workforce as we know it. This transformative technology—on par with the personal computer or the internet—is filtering into every industry and business function, fundamentally changing how companies operate. Used effectively, automation offers the prospect of greater productivity, lower costs, and new sources of competitive advantage.

Yet, for all its promise, AI’s potential is wasted if enterprises lack the skilled talent to harness it. Business leaders understand that to stay ahead, they must view AI not just as a tool, but also as a strategic imperative. However, according to a recent survey by edX, they’re struggling to recruit AI-savvy staff—and despite recognizing a looming skills gap, companies are falling short on providing AI training. As things stand, today’s workforce is at risk of not evolving as quickly as the technology that underpins it.

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AI Index Report 2024

AI Index Report 2024 | Edumorfosis.Work |

The 2024 Index is our most comprehensive to date and arrives at an important moment when AI’s influence on society has never been more pronounced. This year, we have broadened our scope to more extensively cover essential trends such as technical advancements in AI, public perceptions of the technology, and the geopolitical dynamics surrounding its development. Featuring more original data than ever before, this edition introduces new estimates on AI training costs, detailed analyses of the responsible AI landscape, and an entirely new chapter dedicated to AI’s impact on science and medicine.

The AI Index report tracks, collates, distills, and visualizes data related to artificial intelligence (AI). Our mission is to provide unbiased, rigorously vetted, broadly sourced data in order for policymakers, researchers, executives, journalists, and the general public to develop a more thorough and nuanced understanding of the complex field of AI.

Edumorfosis's insight:

El informe AI Index rastrea, recopila, destila y visualiza datos relacionados con la IA:


  1. AI supera a los humanos en algunas tareas, pero no en todas.
  2. La industria sigue dominando la investigación en IA de frontera.
  3. Los modelos Frontier son mucho más caros.
  4. Estados Unidos aventaja a China, la UE y el Reino Unido como la principal fuente de los principales modelos de IA.
  5. Faltan evaluaciones sólidas y estandarizadas para la responsabilidad de los LLM.
  6. La inversión en IA Generativa se dispara.
  7. Los datos están ahí: la IA hace que los trabajadores sean más productivos y conduce a un trabajo de mayor calidad.
  8. El progreso científico se acelera aún más, gracias a la IA.
  9. El número de regulaciones de IA en los Estados Unidos aumenta considerablemente.
  10. Las personas de todo el mundo son más conscientes del impacto potencial de la IA y están más nerviosas.
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[PDF] Transformed by AI: GenAI could affect work in the UK

[PDF] Transformed by AI: GenAI could affect work in the UK | Edumorfosis.Work |

Technological change is a good thing. It has brought exponential gains to living standards and is the foundation of modern society. Yet unmanaged technological change has always come with risks and disruptions.


With another technological wave driven by Generative AI on the horizon, these experiences show that policymakers should explore risks and benefits before deployment becomes widespread.


Generative AI can be economically disruptive through its impact on wage inequality, wealth inequality and potential job displacement. In other words, there will be winners and losers. In this report we examine what policy's role in the future of AI could be.

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[Issue 14] 3 work trends from the World Economic Forum

[Issue 14] 3 work trends from the World Economic Forum | Edumorfosis.Work |

Employee health drivers, skills-first hiring and AI's role in creative thinking – these are the stories covered in this issue of the World Economic Forum’s 3 Work Trends newsletter, your guide to the future of work and education in an ever-changing world.

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AI is too expensive to steal some jobs — for now, MIT study finds

AI is too expensive to steal some jobs — for now, MIT study finds | Edumorfosis.Work |

Artificial intelligence might not be coming for your job just yet.

A new study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has found the tech might still be too expensive to replace some workers.

The researchers looked at the cost-effectiveness of automating tasks, focusing on roles that could use computer vision — a type of AI that derives information from images and video.

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