Long Jump without a Tape Measure? - The P.E Geek | Education 2.0 & 3.0 | Scoop.it
As you may know, Apple’s recent release of iOS 11 has brought to life an entire realm of augmented reality possibilities with their new ARKit.  With one click, Apple instantly made the world’s largest Augmented Reality platform by empowering the millions of iOS devices on earth to leverage this incredible technology.

Enter AR Measurekit….

Using Apple’s AR framework and the nothing more than the camera sensor in your iPhone or iPad,  the FREE MeasureKit  App can measure just about anything without hunting down a ruler or tape measure. However, unlike a ruler, MeasureKit provides precise dimensions not just for height and width, but also measurements of distance, angle, trajectory, level, square, and more.

So this got me thinking….could I use this for measuring jump lengths? While it might seem like a novel idea, it would have immediate use cases in a couple of common areas.

Via John Evans