7 Personality Principles to Boost Office Productivity ===> ALSO #LEARNing Productivity | Education 2.0 & 3.0 | Scoop.it
Productivity at work is usually measured by how many emails you send, papers you write, phone calls you make, or things you check off a To-Do list. There are plenty of books you can read for techniques on improving your productivity, but I want to talk about the largely untapped Personality Factor that plays a huge role in how efficiently you work.

Even though individual personalities have a huge impact on how well a company functions, it is often a taboo subject. The exception is employees gossiping about one another, which further compounds the problem. A better solution for addressing personality quirks is to talk about them openly.

Oftentimes, a simple non-judgmental acknowledgement of an employee’s personality traits can be very comforting to other employees. This is very different than gossip. Once fully acknowledged, how to deal with the issue constructively usually becomes self-evident. Personality traits are too numerous to name, but with these seven fundamental principles, the door will be open for you to begin working on improving the productivity of your entire office.


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Via Gust MEES