How to Save (and Share) Everything You Learn With These 11 Apps | Education 2.0 & 3.0 |

"Picture your brain. It’s like a bucket.

But a bucket with a leaky hole. Our brains are designed to be flytraps for new information and knowledge, but evolution put in a deliberate “flaw”. It’s easy to learn new things. But it is just as difficult to remember and hold on to new knowledge without effort.

So before you wade into the tides of information out there, arm yourself with a system to keep the knowledge and also share it around. Sharing new insights is one way to remember what you learn. It also pays off with better interpersonal productivity and collaboration. .

Plus, let’s face it: sometimes it’s easier to get your point across by letting someone or something else do the talking. Learn… share… and make sure you learn something from everybody in your life.

Here are 11 helpful apps and services you can use now to save and share the favorite bits of knowledge you come across every day."

Via John Evans